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About this mod

A new item card for mods with long item, spell, and power descriptions.
Ever wanted to read a description in Requiem? This mod was made for that.
Information label and value placement have been made consistent and better-aligned for the obsessive-compulsive (me.)

Permissions and credits
Welcome to 2023
The Future™
Many things have changed with the turning of the clock, but we take solace in one timeless rule:
Eight years is not an obscenely long time to make a simple text formatting mod function as intended.

That isn't the timeless rule.
The timeless rule is:
Nothing gets finished on schedule.

Completely rewritten for the fourth and - if fate has been kind - final time. Updated for Skyrim's Special Edition/Anniversary Edition, a product of The Future™ (and ZeniMax Media Inc.)

Here's the version for Regular Skyrim, a product of The Past™

  • Further tweaked label and value placement for better consistency, especially when using custom fonts,
  • Corrected shout name placement in FrostFall version.

With this mod,
Potion descriptions can be read without the assistance of a microscope,

Active Effects become by any means decipherable,

Obsessive-compulsive text alignment pervades Skyrim,

And FrostFall,

Consistency across all crafting, enchanting, and miscellaneous menus,

My Other Skyrim Mods:

The Cleansing of the Creation Club

Spinner Begone!