About this mod
A collection of compatibility patches for JK's Solitude Outskirts. All patches are ESPs flagged as ESL.
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Patches descriptions:
A Cat's Life - shifts a few markers. Last checked against version 2.0
AI Overhaul SSE - shifts one marker. Last checked against version 1.8.3
Alternate Start: Live Another Life - adjusts starting marker position. Last checked against version 4.2
Atlas Map Markers Updated - shifts the ferry map marker. Last checked against version 3.0
Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships SE - moves the BFT ship into a new position, removes some excessive clutter, conflict resolution. Last checked against version 1.0
Birds of Skyrim SSE - adjusts the initial of a few birds. Last checked against version 2.7 - the last one available for SE.
CACO Farm Overhaul - minor placement adjustments of a few plants, conflict resolution, navmesh and landscape consistency. Last checked against version 1.0.1
Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold - shifts ferry-related elements to a new spot. Last checked against version 3.0. Should work with regular CFTO as well.
Carriage Drivers Are Alive - moves the carriage driver's stuff to a different place, conflict resolution. Additional patch for Ferry Add-on. Last checked against version 8.0
Convenient Carriages - moves the carriage driver's stuff to a different place, conflict resolution. An alternative version to tarlazo's patch available on the main Convenient Carriages page. Additional patch for Ferry Add-on. Last checked against version 5.9.8
Creation Club: Fishing - shifts a few references
Dawn of Skyrim - simple door triangle finalisation on internal city navmesh. Last checked against version 1.5
Dawnguard Sentries Plus - shifts three patrol markers. Last checked against version 1.1c
Dense Nordic Forests - adjusts the placement and disables some trees, corrects cell settings. Last checked against version 1.1A
DK's Realistic Nord Ships - navmesh and placement adjustments, the base for many other patch variants in the collection. Last checked against version 2.0
Dwueth'Var - The Star Razor - moves Dwueth'Var's handle from under the rocks. Last checked against version 2.4
Enhanced Landscapes - conflict resolution on landscape records, switches/disables many added elements. Last checked against version 2.0.1
Enhanced Lights and FX - Exteriors - adjust/disables a few lights and their sources, adds shadows to the new ships/boats added in JK's mod. Last checked against version 3.06
Enhanced Solitude - resolves navmesh and landscape conflicts. Last checked against version 2.8
Haystacks - Mihail's Shards of Immersion - adjusts a few elements to match the modified farm layout. Last checked against version 1.
Here There Be Monsters: The Call of Cthulhu - moves the ship into a different location. Last checked against version 8.49
Gallows of Skyrim - moves the gallows to a different spot. Last checked against version 1.1
Illustrated Town Panels - shifts town panel placement. Last checked against version 1.2.3
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - resolves landscape and navmesh conflicts forwarding settings from JK's mod, adjusts the placement of carriage driver's campsite. Last checked against version
Immersive Laundry - moves hanging laundry into a different spot. Last checked against version 1.0d
Interesting NPCs - shifts ship and some markers into different places. Last checked against version 4.53
JK's Skyrim - simple door triangle finalisation on internal city navmesh. Last checked against version 1.7
JK's Skyrim / Dawn of Skyrim Patch - simple door triangle finalisation on internal city navmesh. Last checked against version 1.6
JUSTICE - City Exteriors - adapts added elements to a new gate. Last checked against version 1.15
Khajiit Has Wares - conflict resolution on landscape and navmesh. Last checked against version 1.08.1
Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods - conflict resolution on landscape. Last check against version 5.3
Lanterns of Skyrim II - adjusts positions of a few lanterns and lantern posts, switches new lanterns into LoS variants, and conflict resolution. Last checked against version 4.1
Legacy of the Dragonborn - shifts the placement of one activator, conflict resolution on navmesh. Last checked against version 6.6
Lux - corrects texture sets for the Lux' split meshes. Last checked against version 6.4.1
Lux Orbis - adapts lighting, lanterns and lantern posts in the area to match Lux Orbis and ensures cross-compatibility with Lux Via. Last checked against version 3.3
Lux Via - adjusts placement / disables some records, adapts lighting, lanterns and lantern posts in the area to match Lux Via and ensures cross-compatibility with Lux Orbis. Last checked against version 1.7
Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim - adjusts positions of a few lanterns and lantern posts, switches new lanterns into MLoS variants, resolves conflicts. Last checked against version 1.0.5
Midwood Isle - moves the ship into a different spot, and adapts navmesh. Last checked against version 3.10
Morrowloot Ultimate - conflict resolution on one NPC. Last checked against version 2.0e
Nature of the Wild Lands - adjusts the placement of a few trees. Last checked against version 2.4
Open Cities Skyrim - resolves navmesh and landscape conflicts. Last checked against version 3.1.10
Paradise City - adjusts the size and the position of one tree. Last checked against version 3.8
Red Wave Corsairs - allows both mods to work together nicely, resolves conflicts, adjusts navmesh. Comes in a regular version and designed for DK's Nord Ships. Also provided 6 consistency patches to work flawlessly with other patches from the collection. Last checked against version 1.1.1
RedBag's Solitude - mix of both, patch courtesy of Demoboca. Last checked against version 1.51
Save the Icerunner - Lights Out Alternate Routes - modifies the Icerunner placement, and navmesh adjustment. Last checked against version 1.1.2
Seagulls Rest - moves the house to a different spot with a nicer view. Last checked against version 1.1
Skyrim 3D Landscapes - adjusts one floating tree. Last checked against version 5.0.1
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - shifts spawning point of a slaughterfish. Last checked against version 7.0.2
Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes - conflict resolution, forwards crop ownership changes. Last checked against version 8.5.2
Simply Dirt Roads - adapts new bridge mesh to Simply Dirt Roads textures. Patch by courtesy of Gonzeh84. Last checked against version 1.0
Snazzy Diverse Carriages - BOS patch, shifts a rope to prevent clipping with the carriage's canopy. Last checked against version 1.2
Solitude Docks Updated - the combination of both mods, but to fit everything together some sacrifices had to be made - some of the Solitude Docks buildings and NPCs and the part of JK's Solitude Outskirts fort are removed. A few NPCs have modified relationships, or living and working locations. Last checked against version 3.0
Solitude Watchtower - moves the tower into a different spot (replacing JK's tower on the rock above the docks). Last checked against version 1.0
Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE - shifts two sound markers. Last checked against version 2.1
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - conflict resolutions, adapts SMIM road changes to a new bridge. Last checked against version 2.08
The Second Great War - shifts the placement of a bunch of soldiers and a few markers. Last checked against version 1.10
Traverse the Ulvenwald - adjusts the placement of a few trees. Last checked against version 3.3
Trees Addon SE - modifies placement and size of two trees in the area. Last checked against version 1.2.8
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - shifts one rock. Last checked against version 4.2.8
Waymark - A Road Signs Mod - shifts roadsigns to the column of a new building and removes the post. Last checked against version 1.3
Additional notes:
- some of the fixes in question are made on persistent references and require a new save to work properly,
- patch for Animated Ships is available on Animated Ships Patches thanks to RavenKZP
Load order suggestion:
1) most of the patches
2) Enhanced Solitude patch
2) Lux Orbis / Via patch (their relative order isn't important if you use both mods)
3) Solitude Watchtower / CACO Farm Overhaul patch
4) Solitude Docks Updated patches
5) Northern Roads patch
6) Northern Roads + Solitude Docks Updated patch
7) Northern Roads + KHW patch
Other patches for JK's Outskirts:
- Carriages of Skyrim - 2.0
- eFPS
- ELFX Exteriors
- Northern Roads
- Realistic Boat Bobbing
- Solitude Skyway
- Val Serano
Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
JKrojmal for JK's Solitude Outskirts and JK's Skyrim
ra2phoenix for various fixes, testing and consistency addons
ChickenMike for Aran di Kono patch
Gonzeh84 for Simply Dirt Roads patch
gutmaw for Solitude Docks Updated - SFCO patch and for Snazzy Diverse Carriages
kuczaja for Blended Roads patch
MissileMann for Red Wave Corsairs and some Solitude Docks combo patches
Mur4s4me for SMIM Cranes addon
SilentStorm064 for Solitude Watchtower + Solitude Flags patch
Teabag86 for Skyrim 3D Landscapes patch
DarkFox127 for A Cat's Life
mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaul SSE
Arthmoor for Alternate Start: Live Another Life and Open Cities Skyrim
Kronixx and kryptopyr for Atlas Map Markers Updated
Dj20, Sp0rk and DitrichBlack for Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships SE
Steve40 for Birds of Skyrim SSE
Teabag86 and kryptopyr for CACO Farm Overhaul
ViktoriaLanders for Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold and Kinaga for Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
ToosTruus, CosmicSloth and WiZKiD for Carriage Drivers Are Alive
Tarlazo for Convenient Carriages
Vaelka for Dawn of Skyrim
rms827 for Dawnguard Sentries Plus
mobiusbelmont for Dense Nordic Forests
DeviantKaled and JPSteel2 for DK's Realistic Nord Ships
Vindition for Dwueth'Var - The Star Razor
AceeQ for Enhanced Landscapes
anamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FX
kojak747 for Enhanced Solitude
MisterBanana17 for Gallows of Skyrim
MihailMods for Haystacks - Mihail's Shards of Immersion
araanim for Here There Be Monsters - The Call of Cthulhu
Yuril and PRieST47 for Illustrated Town Panels
Arnaud dOrchymont for Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul
nerdofprey for Immersive Laundry
Kris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs
Teabag86 for JK's Skyrim / Dawn of Skyrim Patch
GoodfellowGoodspring for JUSTICE - City Exteriors
allonsywisegirl for Khajiit Has Wares
WiZkiD for Lanterns of Skyrim II
code1k for Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods
icecreamassassin for Legacy of the Dragonborn
GGUNIT for Lux, Lux Orbis and Lux Via
mathy79 for Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim
Will Evans for Midwood Isle
ChocolateNoodle for Morrowloot Ultimate
fxckthisworld for Nature of the Wild Lands
sa547 for Paradise City
Holto243 for Red Wave Corsairs
RedBag for RedBag's Solitude
Parapets for Save the Icerunner - Lights Out Alternate Routes
Thicketford for Seagulls Rest
mathy79 for Skyrim 3D Landscapes
lifestorock and jackstarr for Skyrim Immersive Creatures
WiZkiD and lilebonymace for Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes
Clemus for Simply Dirt Roads
AssyMcGee and Featherstone for Solitude Docks Updated
Drengin for Solitude Watchtower
Cliffworms, SirJest, SOT Team and tonycubed2 for Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE
Brumbek for Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Reath for The Second Great War
Guthrum for Traverse the Ulvenwald
winedave for Trees Addon SE
Arthmoor and the Unofficial Patch Team for Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Project
lordkenyonkmp for Waymark - A Road Signs Mod