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File information

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Original upload

Created by

Souvik Hazra

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About this mod

Plugin for MO2 to play fuz, xwm and wav files

Permissions and credits

  • Download the files extract it in a new sub-directory [name doesn't matter, as long as extracted in a sub-directory] MO2's plugin directory
  • Download BmlFuzTools under Optional Files from Yakitori Audio Converter - Convert fuz-xwm-wav-various audio files and extract its content in the tools directory in my plugin [the tools directory will be already there, extract the .exe files directly in the tools directory, not in a sub-directory in tools]

Now open MO2 and double click on any fuz, xwm or wav file and click on Play

  • If the plugin not working make sure Python Proxy is enabled in the Plugins, thanks to OgreScar for pointing this.

Bug / Issue Reporting
Make sure to post your OS version and MO2 version along with the details.