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About this mod

Adds three new inns in Skyrim and Solstheim.

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This mod adds three new inns in Skyrim and Solsheim. Karthwasten Hall in Karthwasten has turned into a inn where your able to get food and rest. This mod adds new NPC in Tel Mithryn that sells food and a free bed to rest in Tel Mithryn. You can find the new NPC and the bed in the Tel Mithryn Tower. And also a building is added in Shor's Stone called the Goatrock Inn. And this mod also allows you to rent a bed in the The Drunken Huntsman inn in Whiterun and the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Widhelm. With this mod your able to find a inn in every city and town in Skyrim and Solstheim. It also allows you to sleep for free at the Helgen Homestead inn in Helgen.

Also if you have Oblivion check out my Oblivion More Rentable Inns.