Just Like a Virgin

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  1. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,098 kudos
    Ahh feels like a breath of fresh air. Good luck with modding again
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      Thank you very much K!

      Currently updating a complex combination of mods. I miss the simple days!

      Playing the waiting game at the moment to see if I have to revisit CK to export facegeom...
  2. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    I love what is possible to do to the game with all the fantastic mods - but I have a weird fondness for the original game too !
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I miss the vanilla game sometimes.
  3. frank213
    • premium
    • 829 kudos
    and it still looks fantastically good from ShmooZ.
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      LOL thank you Frank!
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,129 kudos
    Not be long before you have it maxed out with mods
    1. deleted28570945
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      • 222 kudos
      LOL...who me? NAH!

      What is a mod?
  5. coolystguy
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    At the moment I do prefer the vanilla textures for the environments, I loved the mods but I kept spotting irregularities so I went back to the vanilla, except for the snow and water and weather's.
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      My normal install order for environments:

      Noble Skyrim
      Skyland Landscapes
      Arri's Snow Elf Ruins
      Authentic Mountains
      Dwemer Metal
      Organic Riften Leaves
      Rudy HQ Nordic Ruins
      Really Blended Roads
      Ultimate HD Fire Effects
      Realistic HD Blacksmith
      Embers HD
      Just Ice
      Fluffy Snow
      Obsidian Weathers
      ELFX Interiors Only
      Realistic Water Two
      Enhanced Vanilla Trees

  6. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    I seem to recall my vanilla LE game looking far worse than this, this looks pretty good to me considering it's no mods and no ENB.
    1. sneakers789
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Vanilla LE is a lot worse; worse tree lods, worse object lods, less colorful weathers (though this is a plus and a minus at times for SE), much worse water, super ugly shadows, and no ambient occlusion at all.
    2. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      Enabled all the effects available in the launcher, kept the INI's vanilla, cleaned ESMs.

      Definitely like the overall color balance of the vanilla textures in SE.
  7. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    I don't think Bethesda wanted to win a beauty contest with Skyrim SE, but I think it created a good basis.
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      Anxious to see how much freedom they allow with TES6.
  8. goampuja
    • premium
    • 963 kudos
    It reminds me on the times with my PS3
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      LOL...it reminds me of Pong!
  9. arghTease
    • premium
    • 210 kudos
    vanilla. i remember when first coming over to SE that just vanilla looked almost as good as enb in LE. cool shots Z
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      Same here but I think we have come a long way since then...thanks to all the ENB and mod authors.

      Thanks RT!
  10. deleted75694953
    • account closed
    • 20 kudos
    Makes one appreciate how much mod authors (especially enb) really add to the game (no offense) and keep it relevant after so many years.
    1. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 222 kudos
      Pretty amazing how far we have come.