Skyrim Special Edition
New Install-first pics

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Looking great. I'll be over on SSE once Requiem moves officially, maybe.
  2. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    And He is Back

    Simply Awesome set, When I see all the images it seems like a very different Skyrim. Kudos on Starting Anew
    P.S Musik
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks Denzell,.. only gone because I had to
      This Enb does wonders with how Skyrim looks. I like the "tone " of this Enb a lot
  3. tepeloalnefor
    • member
    • 53 kudos
    Very nice looking game and character!
    I'm curious if it's not better to just have a backup of the game and mods so you don't need to reinstall if something goes wrong with the pc...
    Or at least have different partitions in the hdd, so you have windows in one and programs and games in the other...
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      I'm a bit sloppy when it comes to backing up stuff, partly because I am sloppy and partly because I tend to see this kinda misschief also as a new possibillitie for something new. I have different partitions but I had to reset my PC completely and also delete all personal files. I've then built the PC up form nothing again.
      It's always a pity to leave a good running game behind , but I've learned not to mourn to long over it and look forward to creating something new..
    2. tepeloalnefor
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      I see, well, a new install is a perfect opportunity to try all those mods that sometimes one would want to see...
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,114 kudos
    Looking awesome Erwin, pleased that you're up and running again with some early captures
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks Izzy,.. although the old lady (my PC ) is really becoming older. It still functions allright,.. but intensive use does leave it marks..
      I'm hoping for the best though and will cross my fingers it will hold out a bit longer until I've saved enough for a whole new setup
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,114 kudos
      I hope you get a few more years out of your 'old lady' I have a new PC coming later this week but I'm not looking forward to installing everything over.
  5. AFlyingVolVo
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Looks very good, glad your pc works again!
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks Tijn,.. not working for a 100 % yet,.. but it's funftioning good enough
  6. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Ich freue mich, dass Du es so schnell geschafft hast und hoffe, dass Du etwas von Deiner alten Installation retten konntest. Mir gefällt die Frau ( Dein Char? ) und ich finde die matten Farben mit den schönen Sonnenstahlen super
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Die frau ist sicherlich mein char. Probiere aber noch verschiedene stile aus un zu sehen was mir am meisten gefallt.
      Sie bleibt aber ein zauberer und dieser auszugf gefallt mir auch
      Nein habe nichts von mein alter installation retten konnen.
      Musste alles loschen wgeen das Blaue schirm und mein PC komplet resetten.
      Gehort aber zum job, und es schaft immer neue moglichkeiten
  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Congrats on getting rolling again and beautiful shots. I just reinstalled my Skyrim LE again, but only got as far as getting SKSE in before I got distracted and started playing DAO again (last time I did was like 8 years ago).
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Well,.. you got the most basic mod covered,... that is a very promising start
      I've got DAO to,.. and played it for a bit, then got distracted towards another game and ended up uninstalling it .
      Happens all the time to me,.. "where ever the wind takes me "
  8. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    It has a very soft and calm feel to it, I think it suits your style of screenshots really well.
    And I love how your character looks! both her face and the soft shadows cast upon it
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks Dib,.. I'm actually still working on this character,.. so not to sure this will be hger final look or not.
      She will remain a mage though and I'll also keep that outfit to. It kinda suits my idea's for her.
  9. guidethisonekalaheria
    • premium
    • 901 kudos
    Looking pretty awesome!
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks very much Kala,..:)
  10. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Looking good. Wicked dragon shot
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks Wade,.. I liked that overhaul of him , a bit more color , but it managed to remain a very sinister dragon,..