Skyrim Special Edition
Hvergelmir's Armory - Iron Sword replacer

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  1. AndoYugo
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I was watching this Blacksmith YouTuber making a viking sword, and now I have an immense fascination with their shape and form. Beautiful swords. Elements of this remind me of that. Great to see that not all mod authors are just working on skimpy armor and stupid feckin milk jug tits all day.
    1. Hvergelmer
      • premium
      • 1,008 kudos
      Yeah, it's a real shame that a wast majority of Skyrim players, at least among the one that still play Skyrim today are pubescent teenagers that focus more on extremely disproportionate female mods with all kinds of extra unnecessary features, than mods that actually makes sense for Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, I like the female figure as much as the next guy, but I'm well into my thirties and doesn't allow my teenage hormones to take control any longer.

      I've been a sword owner and collector for as far back as I can remember, my father initially started getting a few when I was still a kid and I'm pretty sure he got them because he knew about my interest in them. I also dare say I have my fair bit of knowledge about swords and to some extend most other close combat weapons, such as handling, functionality and use. And looking at pretty much all Skyrim weapons, even someone with a minimum of knowledge can tell that these weapons tend to be over-sized, too heavy / front heavy and in general very unpractical - most weapons in fact look like LARP weapons and that's what I want to change about them. I might not do too drastic changes to the top tier stuff, as I feel Skyrim should still maintain that fantasy look, and the materials in question are supposed to look either demonic (Daedric) or fantastical (Dragon etc). But still to some extend de-LARP them. Time will tell.

      [Yes, I tend to do novel size rants some times.]
    2. AndoYugo
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Your reply made me so happy lol. I agree on every level.
      My Japanese grandpa has a real katana collection, so that's where my fascination started. I prefer european swords though tbh, especially if it's involving modding Skyrim. Definitely not a fan of that weeb s#*! you see on the nexus ALL THE TIME and I'm half Jap lol. [I like to rant too haha]
      As of your mod, you planning on replacing most swords? The most popular mod to do that is Leanwolf's Better Shaped Weapons, and as much as I like that mod and find it essential, there are still critiques to be said about the weapon shapes. So I can't wait for this mod. There's this Norwegian YouTuber called Skallagrim and one of his videos is called 'Practicalizing Daedric Swords and Axes from Skyrim'. I recommend watching it some time, cuz I think what he draws mostly works. Might give you some ideas. Him, SnapJelly, Schologladiatoria and Lindybeige are all great YouTubers I can imagine you've heard of, and I'd recommend looking at their stuff. SnapJelly has made many critiques on the weapons of Skyrim, which may help you out for ideas. If you need any that is. So far, looks like you've got this. Can't wait. Good luck and keep it up. I wish I could offer help but I was 12 the last time I properly learnt 3ds Max and Maya lol.
  2. bdip
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Hey man, good to see you posting. How you're doing well. This is great looking!
    1. Hvergelmer
      • premium
      • 1,008 kudos
      Sure, I manage somehow. Thanks.
  3. Niborino9409
    • supporter
    • 119 kudos
    This looks much smarter!
    1. Hvergelmer
      • premium
      • 1,008 kudos
      Without a doubt. I'm all about realism and functionality.
  4. TheHermit84
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    He's back!
    1. Hvergelmer
      • premium
      • 1,008 kudos
      I never left. But it's nice getting back to it and showing something new.