Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons WIP 2

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  1. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,775 kudos
    For people concerned about how different it's going to look ingame when compared with this renders here which are from a physically based renderer, here's a comparison. From left to right: 1) PBR renderer, 2) Skyrim with enviroment mapping, 3) Skyrim without enviroment mapping, i.e. vanilla meshes. 4) Vanilla.

    I've done some improvements to the way I convert textures from pbr to skyrim, particulary when metals are concerned. Skyrim cannot be treated as a pbr renderer because it's not, so once I've accepted that and baked lighting into the texture it makes all the difference. I know some of my previous mods there's a very significant difference or "downgrade" to skyrim. In my opinion in this case it's pretty f***ing close. I'm actually happy enough with how it looks without enviroment mapping to say that the mod will be perfectly compatible with mesh replacers. Does it look better with my tweaked shaders? Yeah, specular is weak in vanilla, more natural in my update in my opinion and it employs a subtle enviroment mapping that might not be very noticiable in this static shot but when moving ingame makes it look a lot more interactive with it's enviroment and realistic.

    It's not identical, leather and fur are quite glossier since gloss in skyrim is per mesh not per pixel with a glossiness map, so if I adjust glossiness (think spread of highlight) for metal then leather and fur are more glossy than they should be, if i do it the other way around steel looks boring and not very metallic. I might use a value more in a middle ground than what is shown here.

    There's the matter of different metals on the same mesh like steel and gold, which happens on tullius and carius. In those cases my meshes could be a lot more "required" and making it compatible with mesh replacers could be more complex.

    In any case, feel free to leave your thoughts. The mod will be ready to release quite soon btw.
  2. Pfuscher
    • premium
    • 3,637 kudos
    pleeeaaaaasseeeeeee come back
  3. Cailan33
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    yo your stuff is so cool and much appreciated and needed. Pls don’t stop like cabal120 and keep going.

    Keep it up!!!! ^_^
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The Empire thanks you for your service!
  5. BillyBobJenkins
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any plans for stormcloaks after this?
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      I have a retex of stormcloaks, it is quite old though. I think I'd prefer to try a new set instead of redoing that one.
  6. Senturos
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Im very keen for this i only plan on using everything but the light. since i really like midianborn. But yea, having the armor sleeved makes the soldiers look soo mmuch cooler and ofcourse more immersive.
  7. leedsfuzz
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    In my novice opinion, as far as partitioning the mesh for better cubemap control you should go with whatever you think gives the best result and not concern yourself with perfectly supporting other mods you don't have any control over. Do what you can do, and leave what you can't to others. In the end it's always up to you of course.

    I'm very much looking forward to this, the Imperial armours have a pretty good design but the models themselves were horrific, I always felt the metal looked liked Lego or something.
  8. Shratath
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    As always Frank's textures are amazing, love it!
    P.s: won't they get a cold with those, short sleeves and no pants :O Poor soldiers!
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      Bethesda doesn't think about the poor soldiers hehe. I might add pants and sleeves.
    2. thumbincubation
      • member
      • 67 kudos
      I managed to combine Prometheus's Imperial Outfits with Sleeved Imperials. Now I'm excited for your retexture. This is going to rock. Thank you so much for this.
    3. ScarecroOw
      • supporter
      • 56 kudos
      how did you do that? the reason i never used the armor with sleeves was because it wasn't compatble with the imperial outfits, and some of the retextures aren't as well, also some unp/cbbe versions of the female armor remove the mesh and strap for the cape added by prometheus
    4. EnclaveOverlord1
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      It'd be cool to see an option for pants and sleeves at least, since I think a large amount of mod users probably use the mod that adds them, I know I do.
    5. Norm1974
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      First, amazing work! Second, It would be great if you would add pants and sleeves for immersion!
  9. ScarecroOw
    • supporter
    • 56 kudos
    it would be really cool is someone saw this and get the motivation to implement this textures and a retexture of the capes from the Imperial outfits mod (that is actually the only mod for the imperial armor loyal to the concept art)

    Also, the arsenal is going to get some love as well?
  10. uoykcuf86
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Amazing work!! Cant wait for this!!
  11. April89
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Love it!