so good to be back here

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was walking back into whiterun after fighting my first dragon in SSE. this new version is so stable its like a miracle. SSE on medium looks better then 2011 on high and runs at a steady 60 frames (i was lucky to get 40 in the old version) and my PC is crap. thanks for the upgrade bethesda. :)


  1. Darkonimus
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Yeah, I've heard lots of people saying that default skyrim with HD retexture or whatever looked almost as good as SSE, and that a modded 2011 skyrim looks much better, but...not everyones computers can run heavily modded games, and not everyone wants to tinker with ENBs. I love how SSE looks without any graphical mods, giving me much more room for other types of mods, and still running at 60+ FPS :3
    1. deadfred666
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Well said. (though i love my Enbs)