Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armors

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  1. hitman47101
    • premium
    • 4,225 kudos
    Looks fantastic already, really like the rugged look to the leather.

    As for suggestions, I hope you include Linwe's set:

    It might already use the same textures as the normal armour now that I think about it, I just like the sleeveless look.Also perhaps a more fancy metal buckle thing for the master theft set, with the Guild logo/Shadowmark on it or something.

    Cheers :)
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      Linwe's would be the pale one in the left I think, without sleeves but that's not something that concerns the textures.

      Making the guild's master set fancier is a good idea, I'll see what I can do
    2. Pictoff
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I have to agree about the sleeveless look. The Blackguard & Linwe's sets are my favorites for thuggish thievery; I wear them through endgame.
  2. RenaPG
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    I disagree with the "while sleeves" crowd. If you're going to do that, it should be an optional alternative version. Vanilla design is better in my opinion.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      I don't think I'm doing optionals for that, I'll decide what I prefer and that's it. In any case vanilla has the same leather as the rest of the armor in the arms, I'm doing cloth, it makes more sense for the way it was sculpted in my opinion. If any I'll leave it leather in the guild master one as is above, but not completely sure on that yet.
    2. RenaPG
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Well, it's up to you. Will there be any mesh edits here, BTW?
    3. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      Ideally not and so far it doesn't seem like I'll need to, but will decide once it's done and I see how the metallic pieces look without enviroment mapping, I think they are small enough that it will be fine.
  3. GarnetSan
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    Lo voy a decir en español. Yo definiría un poco mas la bandolera, modificaria un poco el mapa normal para poner hilos a lo largo de los bolsillos y en la guarda del hombro. Por lo demás, yo haría los pantalones y mangas un POCO mas claros en otra textura mas tirando a tela de algodón, no cuero. Se supone que es un atuendo basico de ladron con un poco de armadura por encima para que sea todo mas ligero y poder quitarse la parte de la armadura y poder pasar desapercibido.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      Dado que lo que voy a decir puede ser relevante para los demas, mejor lo escribo en ingles:

      It's work in progress, I will definitely add stuff like stiching once the base leather is finished and will further define some of the shapes that are, well, undefined in the normal map. Pants will remain leather as it was in vanilla, sleeves will most likely be cloth across all variants (contrary to what can be seen in this render where the guild master version has leather, I'm most likely changing that to get more contrast in terms of materials)

      No estoy yo tan seguro de que la armadura fuera diseñada para pasar desapercibido, destaca el dialogo de los guardias que dice que reconocen la armadura del gremio cuando la ven y ciertamente no me extraña (lo juego en ingles asi q a lo mejor es algo distinto en la version española)
  4. Brandiibuck
    • member
    • 40 kudos
    I have to agree with the comments about white cloth sleeves.

    I'm unsure if I agree with making the Guild Master's armor fancier, but that's just because it wouldn't fit my own play-style (x I tend to switch between the Guild Master's and Nightingale armors depending on the situation; Guild Master's in cities and daytime missions for blending in with a crowd, and Nightingale for adventuring and late-night heists.

    HOWEVER, I did always think that the player's/current Guild Master's armor should differ from Brynjolf's/Delvin's/Vex's. I'm unsure if you could or would make a unique version for the player... just an idea I have no idea exactly how it should be different, but maybe you or somebody else here does, so I'll still share this. Maybe you could loot it off of Mercer during Blindsighted.
  5. fack33
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks absolutely fantastic, I think your retexture work is the best. I am a bit sad you didn't choose the Imperial Heavy set to retexture, but there is a next time I hope.
    And like the other poster said, it does look best with white sleeves as shown in the art book.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      Oh, don't be sad, I'm going to show you a folder I have in my PC:

      It's in progress as well, I tend to overlap stuff a bit.
    2. Eiries
      • premium
      • 483 kudos
      h y p e
  6. Eferas
    • premium
    • 153 kudos
    Looks great, but may I suggest white sleeves instead? Like in the original art design and one of the retex on the nexus, this armor with white sleeves looks great.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      Sure, I'll try that, thanks
    2. Eferas
      • premium
      • 153 kudos
      Thank you. :)
  7. Parisienne
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Karliah's detailing around the hood is perfect! You and a few other authors recently are setting a whole new standard for textures :)
  8. faeldutra
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the best textures ever, from the best author, good work man !
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      thanks :)