FranklyHD Dawnguard Armor and Weapons WIP

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  1. Penetrator3
    • member
    • 74 kudos
    Have you thought about the boots and gauntlets to make the light-armor and heavy-armor variants actually look different ?
    They look exactly the same in the game and only the stats are different.

    For me, i would prefer the vanilla design for the rune-weapons with this nice glowing lava effect you showed us.

    Always nice to see what you are working on
    1. KiddNecro
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I think both sets utilize the same textures, but i'm not exactly sure. If not this is a pretty good idea.
    2. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,775 kudos
      not just same textures, same mesh, that would therefore require an esp
    3. Penetrator3
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      Ah damn, i was hoping it was using at least other meshes for the light and heavy versions.
      An extra esp. file would only make sense if it was a bigger overhaul/addon.

      Maybe i suggest it to kryptopyr for her mods
  2. Kenrox
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    I take away my eyes from Skyrim just for the summer and when i come back i see this.
    Oh men i will probably see the sun again only spring 2019.

    This is perfect to test my shiny new 1050 Ti.
    See you soon guys.
  3. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,775 kudos
    Testing some glowing lava for the uniques:

    1. KiddNecro
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      ooooooooo~ Okay that's nuts, like... whadu heck that's insane looking
  4. Anarchy_101
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Oh my, I wasn't planning on going through DG on my current playthrough, but this looks so slick I might have to!
  5. Diotima
    • premium
    • 77 kudos
    Best Dawnguard armor texture, i`ve ever seen!
    • premium
    • 97 kudos
    Looks great, imo nothing to add. The only thing, may be, the enchanted weapos (you find during the quests given) may have some runes … but not necessarily.
  7. Pfuscher
    • premium
    • 3,636 kudos
    Looking quite forward to this
  8. Asgaard111111
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    WOW!! Impressive!! Will be the BEST Retex for The Dawnguard Stuff!! Can't Wait...
  9. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 184 kudos
    Hell YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  10. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,775 kudos
    So, fishing for opinions on one matter, the rune weapons. Would you guys prefer if I followed vanilla, i.e. a very slightly different texture, which is what I have at the moment, or it was pushed to be more unique and artifact-worthy? The first thought is adding some glowing runes or engravings or something, fits the name I guess, not sure what the runes would be, as in, daedric runes? I don't know. Ideally something more interesting than just making some parts of the model glow. So, if you have thoughts, leave them below.

    Also, thanks for the positive response and support :)
    1. KiddNecro
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      If you're thinking about changing the rune weapons altogether and make them unique, if you were to make them daedric-like, maybe something like Dawnbreaker or 'Meridia like' would be pretty fitting, or maybe make them similar to Auriel's Bow in terms of presentation, it would go in hand with the whole Holy-Cleric or Paladin like aesthetic.
    2. MustacheHoncho
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      The new textures are def better than the runic