Skyrim Special Edition
Re-Engaged and NAT - A Touch of Realism

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  1. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 379 kudos
    Dang fireman, any more real and you would be filming on location for Lord of the Rings in New Zealand.
    Impressive. Love me some NAT + Re-Engaged. /bow
    1. firemanaf
      • premium
      • 701 kudos
      Thank you! Appreciate the kind words.

      NAT is amazing weather mod. I just always come back to it. I love when I come across that perfect weather and the perfect time of day and it just looks incredible.
    2. l00ping
      • member
      • 1,342 kudos
      Since I'm working on a fantasy comics lately I also got back to Skyrim and started to work on an update for NAT. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with it as I'm really pushing it further regarding lighting and colors and atmospheric diversity.
    3. firemanaf
      • premium
      • 701 kudos
      Oh that's great. I can't wait to see what you do with NAT. It is already amazing so, if you are making it even better I am sure I will be in awe.

      I am glad you like the look I have done here with my ENB and your NAT. But, I don't feel it tops what you have achieved with PRT and NAT. You have accomplished an amazing sense of realism with that combo.
    4. l00ping
      • member
      • 1,342 kudos
      I'm not happy with PRT you know, :) but I don't think I can do better for the moment. But every time I reinstall it and use it after a little break from it, all I can see is faults, mistakes, unbalanced things everywhere.
    5. firemanaf
      • premium
      • 701 kudos
      I understand that feeling. Probably why I am constantly updating my ENB presets.

      I can't remember who I heard this from but, they said they never use their own ENB cause they would always be fixing and tweaking and never enjoying.

      I almost feel the same way. I find a scene I am not happy with and try to fix it but, then it just messes up something else.
    6. Angsaar
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Me every time I start messing with an ENB from one of you guys:
    7. firemanaf
      • premium
      • 701 kudos
      Lol, I just died laughing. Bout lost my coffee.
    8. n0mad23
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      Must admit I've been feeling the pull to give NAT a try, even though I've got nothing to complain about with Obsidian. Must be the curse of modding the game - open that door once, and you may find it difficult to close it again.

      Looking awesome - in the original, literal sense of the word.
    9. firemanaf
      • premium
      • 701 kudos
      You should. It's an amazing weather mod.