Skyrim Special Edition

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Completed the exteriors for the new dungeons that will come with the Oakwood update and also started on the interiors. The picture at the bottom right depicts Krulskygge, on of those dungeons.

I also worked a little bit on the Tundra overhaul. Implemented occlusion planes to all settlements to improve performance and applied proper emmitance to all buildings. There is also a stable in Greymoor now that will offer the option to buy a horse or earn one through a quest. Would also like to hear if you like the update to the bridge or prefer it without a roof.

Lastly the bottom left picture shows the new entrance to the Greymoor ruins, which will no longer be located inside the fort.


  1. avorcado
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Looks awesome! Your new "ancient Nedic-Nord" style is great!
    I like the simple bridge without roof for this simple little village.
    Different random comment: What do you think about using Unique Northern Vanilla Farmhouses to add some more variation to the villages at some point and have less repetition of the Whiterun houses (or COTN or TGC houses for other holds)?
    1. SmokingTiger741
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      It's probably possible that either the UNVF author, or someone else, could make patches to cover any vanilla farmhouse models. Maybe it's possible to make a UNVF addon that uses BOS to replace entire Whiterun house models with a UNVF Whiterun Hold model. Might be a bit unnecessary though. Places like Rorikstead and Greymoor would be much older than Riverwood, so maybe it makes more sense to use Whiterun house models there. With Riverwood being a newer village in the hold, on the border of the Falkreath hold, I think it made sense that Schlitzor used some COTN Falkreath architecture assets there along with some more "makeshift" and simplistic architecture. 
    2. avorcado
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I am not trying to question any artistic decisions here. I think we can all agree Schlitzohr puts a lot of thought into everything he does and builds the best villages ever made for this game. Sure UNVF can be configured to replace the vanilla houses in Schlitzohr's villages. Maybe I am just a little worried there won't be many vanilla houses to replace, because I think the UNVF houses look great and more variation is always good. That's why I think it could be a good idea to add them to the mix. Of course another reason would be compatibility for overhauled vanilla locations. Not needing any interior patches is worth something too.
  2. tattwood
    • member
    • 107 kudos
    For the bridge, whilst the roof looks good (in particular, the way it slightly slopes down under its weight in the middle due to the lack of support), i'm not sure if it makes sense for it to have a roof considering people crossing it would do so quite quickly, and so the roof would be wasting the resources of the forts inhabitants, who would likely use the wood for a more useful purpose. Also, given the stream the bridge spans, is quite small, then a roof would seem excessive. I think if there was a larger body of water which had a pier, or a bridge crossing a large river, then a roof would be more fitting.

    Love the landscape designs though!
  3. cmkostrom
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I’d say no roof, keep it a simple wood bridge like it is.

    The rest looks great! Super excited for the Oakwood update. 
  4. SandGentleman
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    Excellent as always
  5. PlopAndFloc
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    Impressive, I love the design of Krulskygge and the new stable. For the bridge, I don't know if the NPC can traverse it on horse, though. it's great to see you working on  the Tundra Overhaul again. I like these little sneak pics into your mods ^^