Glass Armors and Weapons Retexture SE Update 2

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  1. RifatPlayZ247
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would you add sleeves to the Ancient Falmer armour in case you decide to update it someday? It would make them more consistent with the other armours you've sleeved up so far. 
    1. xavbio
      • premium
      • 4,113 kudos
      It’s probably the one set I wouldn’t want to add sleeves. It’s meant to be a set that snow elves were and they are resistant to cold. So it makes sense to me that they’d be sleeveless 
  2. daken72127
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    The new updates to aMidianBorn Content Addon added new matching weapons for the Gilded Ebony, Gilded Elven, Gilded Thalmor, Silvered Ebony, Thalmor, Thalmor Glass, and Vvardenfell Glass armors. Are these all covered in the new update? Also, Heavy Armory just received a new update
    1. Crow7420
      • supporter
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      Bro, Heavy Armory uses vanilla textures💀.
    2. xavbio
      • premium
      • 4,113 kudos
      I’ll update amidianborn content addon in my modlist later this week and check out what was added. If it really adds the matching thalmor glass and vvardenfell weapons, I’ll add an option in the fomod to have my textures work on those.

      as for heavy armory, I’m pretty sure I used the latest version of it, for my mesh patches. Unless it updated less than 2 days ago
    3. xavbio
      • premium
      • 4,113 kudos
      I just updated this retexture to add a patch for the amidianborn content addon new weapons (version 2.1.0)
    4. daken72127
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      You rock!! And yes, HA updated today. Version 6.01 now.
  3. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 157 kudos
    brighter and shinier ? Noice, cause I'm a non-ENB user !!!
  4. Crow7420
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Those look just majestic, you truly can see that magic flowing through malachite in them. Can't wait to try them out.
  5. congusdongus
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    So incredibly peak. Really makes me want to fully redo the Glass Warrior Fudgemuppet put out a few years ago.