Skyrim Special Edition
Vampire Assassin Character Creation

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Now I'm my game I play mutable stories in my Skyrim with all different characters from good, Bad and the in between.

This is one of the bad ones. A 1000 year old Assassin during the times of ESO he was part of the Tharn family that joined Mannimarco and he became a Vampire. He assassinated enemies of the Worm cult. 

I've named him Arillius Tharn. Or know to these days as  "The Contractor" No matter who it was, if the gold was good enough he would kill you, Be it a infant, Or a old lady. he would end you.
When he received to much heat from his jobs he would retreat and sleep for around 200 years. He wakes back up and finds himself in a time during Civil war in Skyrim, So he makes the journey there to find Dragons have returned and there's a Peace treaty on during the time

He wasn't woke up for around 300 hundred years because the Vampire who is meant to wake him was killed by the Champion of Cryodiil. And some poor fool found his Resting place, Looting around his gold, and opened up his Crypt and become the first meal.

So with this run of the character, I wanted to show his age. He face is deformed from being a Vampire for more then 200 years. And his Body shows the battles, Fights he's been in. I'm hoping to get a good face burn.

He has a Mortal form. "Mortal Mask" Where he looks like his old Human self without the deformed face and pale skin. and without all the scars. So he can walk in unseen.