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I realize suddenly its a total missed opportunity to rename him to Tacitus Kilgore and make Arthur Morgan"s face.


NITHI NPC Enhancement - The Reach is coming.

I hope on the weekend.

Even if I still have some minor NPCs to add I may just publish it  then add the rest in an update. I think I have about 30 left to add. Its a huge area 90+ NPCs, and its taken me a long time to get through them and make them of decent quality. 

I will be away from online life completely Monday until the following Monday so we will see how we go eh :)

Maybe some will notice the jump in image quality. I finally upgraded my PC. Probably I will add screenshots like this for the whole NITHI series because I think being able to see different angles of the character shows how much variation there is compared to just a straight on picture... but obviously that is not a priority at all rn