RedBag's Falkreath Patches WIP

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  1. CloudAndProud13
    • premium
    • 83 kudos
    Will there be a JK + CotN + RedBag patch or is that too far?
    1. Idovelicus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That would be perfection itself.
    2. RedBag
      • premium
      • 673 kudos
      CotN does the same thing as my mod, mixing these two would be a nightmare to patch. Why would you want two different styles of buildings in the same place anyway, it would be an unholy combination, a centaur of a modlist.
    3. CloudAndProud13
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Hmm, well, there might cool things CotN does. Does your mod add Hakkvild's High Hall? That's my personal favourite part of CotN Falkreath which I'd really like to keep
    4. RedBag
      • premium
      • 673 kudos
      It does not, unfortunately. It adds other things though, like an Arena you can fight in. Check out my images for more.
    5. Czasior
      • premium
      • 648 kudos
      I don't see the point of mixing COTN with RedBag's mod, both don't match in style at all. It is the case "use one or another". Yeah, maybe only for the Hakkvid's Hall usage (like we've done for TGC / COTN Winterhold), but I'm still not convinced.
    6. Idovelicus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That is mostly what I'd meant XD
      They are in fact too different to be fully combined, it just wouldn't work, but they could still benefit from splashes of the other. Mind you, very minor ones. The arena is I think the closest thing that might have worked (if relocated, that is) but even then it's just too aesthetically different to work. The High Hall can work only, I think, because it's removed from the rest of the town. Falkreath is just too small to justify different architectural styles. It  doesn't even have boroughs, like Whiterun or Windhelm. But because the High Hall is located atop the hill in its own area, it can work. 
    7. Czasior
      • premium
      • 648 kudos
      Well, I can't speak for Monkeyangie, but for sure I won't make it in the nearest future. JK's Skyrim patch is already exhausting enough and there's still awaiting one for Northern Roads. I will need a break from the big projects, so after finishing part of the patches we already work on for RedBag's Falkreath (it's already almost 100 plugins) I will get back to other projects which need updating or finishing. So, don't expect it soon, unless someone beats us and creates one earlier.
    8. CloudAndProud13
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Fair enough. I wasn't thinking you would combine the styles, but rather replace the hall with the resources from RedBag
    9. Madbey3796
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      RedBag's buildings are 333 times better than those weird high fantasy things from COTN series.
    10. Czasior
      • premium
      • 648 kudos
      Actually, COTN Falkreath mimics how Falkreath hold looks on Elder Scrolls Online concept art, so it's accurate to the lore. RedBag's approach is different, a totally new conception. But as always, it's a matter of taste, personal preferences.

    11. BrendonofKells
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      i agree with czasior. the styles are far too radically different for it to make any sense to combine the two. and this is coming from someone who likes city overhaul combos. plus, as czasior says, what he's doing now takes a lot of work, and I think he's more then earned a break as quite frankly this is stunning work on his and redbag's part. As far as jp's falkreath, I will say this about jp's version. I do like it. I think it's incredibly well done. But personally, this mod just feels to me more like falkreath. I didn't think it was possible to top jp's mod, but some how redbag has managed to.