wip stonewall

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wip farmhouse stonewall - height needs some more adjustment, too much atm. Might make a less mossy version as well and maybe a just dirty looking version.


  1. miliyx
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    this is really good! maybe this is an update to your farmhouses
  2. aproco
    • premium
    • 126 kudos
    The tone/color of the stone is beautiful, but I agree the shape might fit better on a bridge! Love the moss
    1. MystiriousDawn
      • member
      • 1,662 kudos
      Definitely going to find a suitable use for it somewhere else
  3. tattwood
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    height needs some more adjustment, too much atm.
    I see what you mean. The wall looks like "scales" on a fish or dragon.

    But the wall texture itself is coming along nicely, and the moss/leaves looks good.
    1. MystiriousDawn
      • member
      • 1,662 kudos
      ivy isn't mine or anything thats from like 3D plants I think. But yeah height needs adjustment, It's been more of a struggle because it looks too flat from any distance unless I crank it more. Might end up using this one for bridges think it actually might fit better there. starting to think maybe the stones are too big
    2. tattwood
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      ...maybe even use it for a floor or road texture? Given it looks quite flat, then it could work as a floor, because it will have been walked on over time and flattened out.
    3. MystiriousDawn
      • member
      • 1,662 kudos
      Probably start all over on it lol. Has potential though