Samuel - Master of Dark Arts

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1 comment

  1. Selene310187
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    I edited the second paragraph of image description and added the fact that I totally forgot that I had another character between Samuel and Alice. Scalez is actually my fourth Skyrim character. The character I forgot was Nephis, a test character for a custom race for Oldrim that I never finished. I just checked my external harddrive and the project files are still there after all those years. The name of the unfinished race is Nova Race. This could be an idea for a future project for the Special Edition.

    I have a lot of things in the backlog for various games due to my problem with prioritizing things, bad time management, limited energy, occasional burnouts (when I work too many sleepless nights on a project; thanks to my Autism I guess), a never ending flow of ideas for possible projects which were even more shiny than the previous project so that I often start another project (thanks to my ADHD I guess). That's why I decided to have not more than two projects in the active pipeline and put the other stuff on hold. This is the way I found some years ago to comply with my life as a mod author who has both ADHD (the variant without the hyperactivity) and Autism.

    I talk about this openly because I think nobody should be ashamed of their diagnoses. It took me four years to accept the Autism diagnosis and I started talk about my diagnoses in the public last year in early October.

    To cut a long story short, I don't know when and if I continue the work on the Nova Race.