Skyrim Special Edition
Oz before Expressive Facial Morphs made him angry

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  1. Alessia69
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    I actually find Angry Oz quite appealing.
    1. phatbassanchor
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      Yeah... he needs to have some to the flower from that field though.
      I was rather pleased with Expressive Facial Morphs over all.  
      And, I do agree that the angry faced Oz looks pretty fierce.  
      Not bad for an unintentional effect, right?  
      You can get many different facial expressions using the morphs.  But, it's the Expressive Facial Animation mods for male and female that really take the prize.  They incorporate everything from smiles to scowls to bored to death looks to rather sultry gazes in real time during game play.  That is really cool!  But, I use the entire Expressive suite for maximum fun.  Thanks for the feedback, my friend   
      Adventure ever on, Phat