Skyrim Special Edition

Tools required
Nifskope and Bodyslide outfit studio
Creation kit
mesh with/without collision

In this tutorial I am replacing a floating plank for a water sliding horker.
There are a few steps, I would split this into 3

  • (1)make the mesh structure
  • (2)setting up the collision
  • (3)configuration for time and distances

Open up a copy of any of the boat meshes or Vicn´s elevator resources (made with them) in nifskope and open the mesh you want (this new mesh should have its own collision).
Keep in mind if your mesh has the right orientation on the axis. You want it to face forward to its destination, not going sideways. We will see how later.

Lets start.
Delete target (boat meshes/resources)  bstrishapes inside the door node by right-clicking and remove branch. 
Ignore the editor.
Select source bstrishapes (your meshes) and copy paste branch into the "Door" parent node, or the entire node, like this

If the mesh has its own collsion like the rowboat, delete the resource collision branch then add the rowboat collision by copy paste. Inside the door node.
Or if the mesh has multiple shapes with their own collisions. Add them under a new parent node inside door node.
This is from one of this mod´s meshes

Ok the mesh structure is done and the shapes too

Collision flags

Convert collision

Configure the collision

Collision radius alert

Note on collision flags: I found that they do not need a bsx for each new shape, the one included does the job

Edit the distance in the editor preview inside the mesh, the nitransform data inside both Open and Close branches in translation.
3 edits for distance that must match. Editor, open and close.
Editor allows us to see the change in the distance, it will move to, the green shape there. Also previews inside the Creation kit render. So we edit it.

If you intend on adding horizontal turns this is where you edit 

In how much time the distance will be covered. Bigger the time the slower it will move.
We need to edit all with the same values and for open and close. We need to edit 6 things, 3 in open and 3 in close

These are my notes for arguably optimal time and distance relation - I do not follow them strickly for higher values.
1024 - 10seconds
2000 - 15
3000 - 25
5000 - 40
7000+ - 50
12,000 and the mesh will not load, that is the distance limit

If you scale a shape to be bigger in ck the distance will also grow.

Configuration is done.
To avoid an instant crash we need to reset transforms when  we introduce a new collision. The surest way is to open Bodyslide and outfit studio

Now to creation kit
Load something, duplicate an activator, I use a general activator. You could use a door too, but in-game it will display "open" or "close" text instead of "activate".
Load your nif in there, select activation sounds or looping sounds if you wish. Ignore but use those vanilla scripts there.

Place the mesh in the world. You can then see the editor preview, to check the distances.
Save the esp.
Finished. Lets go in game

Here is our Happy Horker Ride in Dragonsreach pond  lol
Lets go

With this it would be the same with a mudcrab, p.e. but you should add a flip around config in the "close" initial postion, you want the face facing the forward direction.
You can do chairlifts to unite mountain peaks, p.e.
You can also use this to change this mod to patch, fix, improve, add stuff to the boats for variety or switch, p.e.,,etc, if you wish.
The applications are immense, to go vertical to access a dungeon pit in the ground, etc.

Have fun!
Consider endorsing the mod and its resource. Credits to Vicn for the brilliant resource.

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