Skyrim Special Edition

  • Firstly, if you don’t play as a Masmer then you don’t see any of the content. It’s all about that race, so that should hopefully go without saying! After that, it’s business as usual. If you wanted to you could ignore the entire mod from that point forwards. 
  • MQ01. The mod really kicks in the first time you die. There is a hidden racial ability attached to the player. This will register when you die and override the process from there, teleporting you to the new worldspace. Upon arrival here you will be met by Aelaelia who will talk you through things. She gives you the only forced quest from this point, which is to explore the realm (discover the location where your home will go). After discovering this, you will be directed back to Aelaelia who will give you the choice of four homes (and a little sketch of each to help you choose). She will also give the option of changing your teleport spell to send you home instead of to the town (where you first appeared).
  • When you visit your new home you will see a note in the letterbox from Aelaelia which tells you about decorating it etc. This is important to remember, as all future quests are delivered in this same manner.
  • Every so often (at fixed level intervals, and subject to prior quest completion - so can still vary in actual delivery level) a new letter will be delivered to your home in Calastai, and be there waiting for your next visit. You can choose to ignore it and nothing more will happen, but reading it will initiate the next quest. (Level triggers: 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50).
  • Most quests have different completion routes. These *should* be fairly intuitive, but as a rule: easy options reward quest completion and follower unlock, more involved options also reward a unique bonus and a higher affinity with the quest giver, which becomes pertinent later on.
  • MQ02. Study ruins with Torae. Options to dig for relics, study ruins, or do both and craft a notebook. Reward is a unique pickaxe, and later in the game unlocks a hidden area at which time also rewards a misc item for a player quick access home in the form of her tent (activate in inventory to use). You can also keep revisiting ruins and crafting more notebooks for small gold reward. Torae also has a hidden easter egg bit of dialogue; if you have already gone far enough in the main vanilla quest to have done the Thalmor embassy then you will have found an extra dossier in the chest for ‘the Lorekeeper’. If you have this dossier in your journal when speaking to Torae, she has special dialogue revealing that it is about her.
  • MQ03 ‘steal’ an item for Volai. She tasks you with sneaking past a guard patrol to steal a necklace. No rhyme or reason, just for kicks apparently. If caught by the patrols, the quest fails and must wait until next night to repeat. After stealing the necklace, can give it to Volai or present it to the patrol. Volai gives a unique enchanted cloak, patrol gives a pat on the head for being a good girl. This choice affects both characters' affinity, and has an impact on later quests as well.
  • MQ04. Eileirae wants help decorating her temple. Linear tutorial quest, unlocks crafting stations and decorating hooks in player homes
  • MQ05. Combat training with Celai, rewards increase for your chosen skill. Fairly linear, but comes with options for route. First she will ask you to select what you think you’re good at and give her a demonstration. After which she will ask what your weakest skill is, and for another demonstration. She will then give you a demonstration of your selected weakest skill which will prompt some increases to it for your reward. After completing it for the first time, unlocks a radiant option which can be repeated as much as you like for skill gains. Doing at least one round of the radiant option will boost Celai’s affinity as required for a later quest.
  • MQ06. Visit the stables and choose a new mount. Bojai invites everyone to visit the annual migration of the Ialolys (basically, they’re unicorns). Option to essentially sideline the quest and not be interested in the creatures. Bojai will first prompt you to  try and bond with one of them, which results in an automatic failure. Upon returning to her, she will reveal that a little research and prep is needed since you need to first decide which mount you want, then learn (from Bojai) what its favourite food is and source that food (which should be available in Valaer’s shop if you haven’t already cleared it out). Once instructed to do so by Bojai, try again to bond with your preferred mount and you should find that you can now actually mount it. This will complete things and give you a summon spell for the mount. The rest of the herd will remain for around 1 week in game for flavour only. 
  • MQ07. Caelan offers to teach you your abc’s! By this point you have (hopefully!) noticed Masmeri script written in various places (tavern sign / map boards / museum plaques / street signs / ingredient containers in some homes). This is a simple riddle solving quest to visit her at her home and read a few books. Give her the correct translation at the end and you will have magically learned how to understand the language. There are 3 books to learn from (indicated by the 3 notes of script she gives you to translate) that are scattered around her home. A fourth book which appears to be a copy of ‘the Masmeri Mystery’ sat on the table by the front door can be used to process the translations after each study book has been used. Now when you see objects in the world with the written language, you will be able to read what they actually say! This also means that you will be able to understand the world maps scattered everywhere on notice boards, and you will now find that they serve as a kind of wayshrine fast travel. You will also now actually be able to read the plaques in the museum, for what they’re worth.
  • MQ08. Jhaezai tells you to come and help with her experiments. After the initial dialogue she gives you a syringe (which you must have with you in order to take samples. If later on you lose it, she has spares on the shelf by her lab area) and tasks you with collecting blood samples from all of the Masmer. Quest can be completed with minimum effort, but the more samples you gather - the more potent the reward spells are. This is the reason for doing the bonus objectives to each preceding quest, since doing so will lead to a successful blood sampling. Those who have not yet given you a quest will not offer blood samples. Yet. After completing this quest, you are rewarded with the ability to summon the spirit of any sampled Masmer to aid you in combat (fixed time combat summons, higher initial sample count = longer duration summons). At any time after completing the quest, you can deposit additional blood samples to add new Masmer to your available summons at the unlocked strength. In order to gain the highest rank of summon, you will need to collect an unmarked bonus sample from yourself (which you can do by activating the syringe from your inventory), which of course means that you can create a summon spell for your own doppelganger.
  • MQ09. Baelai invites you to learn how to craft Masmer weapons. It actually involves little more than watching her fumble her way through a scene. You can buy your way out of the quest for a quick win, but doing the gathering part will unlock the bonus reward. Basic reward is ability to craft Masmer weapons. Bonus is a special enchanted weapon of your choice which grows stronger as you level.
  • MQ10. Investigate theft! This one varies depending how you concluded MQ03. If you gave the necklace to Volai, then you will be tasked with investigating that theft. If you returned it to the guard, you will be tasked to investigate a different theft. Either way, it all leads back to Volai. When you are confronting her, she will be approached by Aestae Vali and start ignoring you to give her beloved a gift. When Aestae Vali leaves, Volai reveals that the necklace / components were for that gift and since it’s already been gifted your hands are now tied. Upon return to Eilai you can either lie to defend Volai, or be brutally honest. Dialogue varies but the outcome is basically always the same with an enchanted shield as a reward.
  • MQ11. Tai Jhasyli wants your help putting on a show for the other Masmer. Special route available if you are a member of the bards college. Either you will perform on stage with her (as a bard), or run the lighting from above (if you’re not a bard). Whichever approach, you have to pick the right combination to accompany her set - both routes have the ability to gain full reward (just a charisma perk), and are varied just for flavour. Bonus is simply for getting it all right as per her instructions. I tried to have the activators remain present for a radiant option to remain after the quest but it got too messy. Perhaps an alternative solution will come into play at a later date.
  • MQ12. Aestae Vali - now working in the newly uncovered lost temple - wants help finding a return gift for Volai. She debates a few options, with the bonus objective being the all out option. Gather, make, speechcheck your way through the desired path then return to her. Depending which route you took, she will reward you accordingly with the bonus being a new pet/follower in the form of one of the cheeky housecats wondering the realm
  • MQ13. A scavenger hunt for Teireir. She asks you to help find her magical orbs. You can solo it, or you can tap Volai up for assistance. Depending how much she likes you (from previous quest interactions) she might decide to help without question, she might make you work through a persuade check for it, or she might outright refuse. If she agrees, she will follow you around and make idle comments whenever you are near an orb. You can also try to push her harder to make her tell you where they all are, and she will give you map markers to them. Once all are collected you can return to Teireir where she tasks you with restoring them to their corresponding dias’. Works itself out well if you have them all, but if dropping off a partial fill - or just if interested - you can ‘use’ each orb from your inventory to gain a clue as to which icon it pairs with. Once the quest is complete you will find the special basement where you placed the orbs is now accessible from your home, and each orb acts as a skill trainer (normal costs, no freebies!)
  • MQ14. By this point you will have noticed that some of the Masmer associate in/around the various temples. And you may even have noticed that completing their quests has activated the altar in their respective temple. This is what Valaer is interested in as she invites you to help complete a ritual. First you are sent to visit each temple and gain its unique blessing (they may overwrite each other, but the quest still counts them). With all blessings on you, it’s back to the ritual site where you then have activate the pillars in the correct sequence. The npc’s can be quizzed for clues about this sequence, which is also the order you cleared the temples in. And if you really get stuck, you can Google the feng shui cycle! As for which pillar is which, there is a visual clue to each one when you look at it. Once the ritual is complete, she announces that the Mia Saesti has been unlocked and its magical seal removed. She prompts you to go and investigate, and on arrival you will find all of the Masmer there enjoying a nice little endgame party. The temple itself is the reward as it is a central archive for all of the vanilla deity shrines and doomstones

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