Skyrim Special Edition

Via Faction, FExxx862 - _JSW_SUB_TrackedFemFaction
All tracked female actors will be in that faction.   The Faction Rank has specific meanings:

 - If Zero, indeterminate.   The actor has very recently added to tracking, however the faction rank has not yet been set to a meaningful value.

- If positive, it indicates the actor is pregnant and how far along they are in their pregnancy, i.e. rank 1 means they just conceived, rank 5 would be 5% along in the pregnancy, rank 80 would be 80% along, etc. 
Note that it is possible for this value to exceed 100, because pregnancies may be "late" and go longer than expected.

For Negative Values:
- negative values have specific definitions based where a non-pregnant actor is in their monthly cycle:   
    -5  : ovulation phase, before egg
    -15 : ovulation phase, with egg
    -25 : luteal - ovulation phase, after egg has died
    -35 : menstruation
    -75 : ovulation is blocked this cycle - typically caused after taking a "Potion of Termination" to abort a pregnancy
    -85 to -100 : in recovery from birth/miscarriage- this is also scales, -85 just began recovery, -99 near the end of recovery

- Faction Ranks of all tracked females is updated after every update cycle (MCM configurable, defaults to every game hour)
 - After factions rank has been updated on all tracked actors, the following ModEvent is sent:
SendModEvent("FM_ActorFactionsSet", "", 0.0)

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