Skyrim Special Edition

This wall of text belies how easy it is to configure this mod!

Current configurations

  • Elven backpacks are distributed to all Snow, Dark, High, and Wood Elves. **Re-configuration strongly recommended as some Elf NPCs do not / should not wear backpacks in my opinion.** The Elven mod will always distribute the Elven backpack no matter how distribution is configured (e.g., female, male, level, faction, voicetype, etc.).
  • Hunter backpacks are distributed to hunters and trappers. The Hunter mod will always distribute the Hunter backpack no matter how distribution is configured (e.g., female, male, level, faction, voicetype, etc.).
  • Merchant backpacks are distributed to a curated list of Khajiit traders, and to merchants and peddlers outside of cities, towns, etc. No merchants in cities will have a backpack. Can easily be configured to include in-city merchants if desired. The Merchant mod will always distribute the Merchant backpack no matter how distribution is configured (e.g., female, male, level, faction, voicetype, etc.).
  • Stormcloak backpacks are distributed to all Nords. **Re-configuration strongly recommended as some Nord NPCs do not / should not wear backpacks in my opinion.** There is no reason, for example that Imperials should not wear this backpack. The Stormcloak mod will always distribute the Stormcloak backpack no matter how distribution is configured (e.g., female, male, level, faction, voicetype, etc.).
  • Vigilant backpacks distributed to all members of the Vigilant of Stendarr. The Vigilant mod will always distribute the Vigilant backpack no matter how distribution is configured (e.g., female, male, level, faction, voicetype, etc.).

  • It is possible to run more than one optional file together (or all). However, if you do, SPID will distribute the backpack that it wants! For example, if you run both the Vigilant and Elven versions of this mod, SPID will figure out what to distribute to Dark Elf Vigilants. Same with Stormcloaks and merchants, for example (Nords can be merchants). If you run more than one optional mod, and do not want a particular distribution, simply exclude that group from receiving a particular backpack. For example, if you run both the Vigilant and the Elf versions of this mod together, this syntax will distribute the Vigilant backpack, but not to Dark Elf Vigilants (they receive the elf backpack).
  • ;Equips the Vigilant Backpack to all Vigilant NPCs
    Spell = 0x911~WFBPtoNPCsVigilant.esp|NONE|000B3292,-00013742|NONE|NONE|NONE|100

Mod is highly configurable through its _DISTRI.ini. I have provided initial distributions to get started. Feel free to mix and match (e.g., distribute a Stormcloak backpack to an Imperial!). To configure, simply open the _DISTRI.ini file with a word program - and save edits. If you would like to add (or delete) NPCs to the distribution, simply edit the FormID of the NPC or group of NPCs. You can easily copy my syntax to include your own individual NPC or group of NPCs. Simply add the FormID in the correct position.

For example, insert the FormID of the NPC or group of NPCs in the red section of the syntax:
  • ;Equips one (1) random backpack to ALL NPCs
    Spell = 0x911~WFPtoNPCs.esp|NONE|XXXXXXXX|NONE|NONE|NONE|100

If you want to see backpacks on only half of the Vigilants, you can simply edit the _DISTRI.ini file. The following example reduces the distribution chance to 50% chance.
  • ;Equips the Vigilant Backpack to all Vigilant NPCs
    Spell = 0x911~WFBPtoNPCsVigilant.esp|NONE|000B3292|NONE|NONE|NONE|50

The second example illustrates how to distribute a random backpack to Ancano, and only Ancano.
  • ;Equips one (1) random backpack to ALL NPCs
Spell = 0x911~WFPtoNPCs.esp|NONE|0001E7D7|NONE|NONE|NONE|100

The third example illustrates how to distribute hunter backpacks to the Blades Faction, but not Esbern, at a 25% chance.
  • ;Equips the Hunter Backpack to all Hunter and Trapper NPCs
    Spell = 0x911~WFBPtoNPCsHunter.esp|NONE|00072834-00013358|NONE|NONE|NONE|25

The fourth example illustrates how to distribute Vigilant backpacks to females only.
  • ;Equips the Vigilant Backpack to all Vigilant NPCs
Spell = 0x911~WFBPtoNPCsVigilant.esp|NONE|000B3292|F|NONE|NONE|100

The webpage of Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) provides additional ways to tailor this mod in ways that players want. A bit of knowledge of Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) will be useful to achieve specific designs. 

Never delete the semi-colon in front of the text that describes the particular distribution syntax in the _DISTRI.ini. 

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