Skyrim Special Edition

The Armor System

It starts, with a magic effect entry, having it set thatfollows both conventional methods of an enchantment, that being  a casting Type of Constant, and a Delivery of Selfwith a set magnitude of 1
All other settings can be set up set up to your digression,however what has to be set is the controller script, which is MLRArmorMagic
The script does require a global, that is used to keep thecount of experience any item with the global named MLREvo
What this script does, is tells the game that on every hit, runthe Chance to gain which willrandomly choose a number from 1 to 100 and if its below the set number it will
add 1 to the MLREvo Global and when the Total Points and the MLREvo Global match, the script will have the Current Item be removed, replaced, and the item called in the Next Item entry of the script will bereplaced. Message next item isn’t usedin these builds but Is used when the item ‘evolves’
Script Understanding
MLRGlobal – Isthe Experience container, System is set to MLREvoglobals
CurrentItem –Is the item this specific instance is attached to
NextItem – Is theitems evolution form
MessageNextItem –Unused, but will fire a message when exp conditions are met
Weapon Keywords –Item keywords that tells the script what to fire on, has an autofill feature
Chance to Gain– randomizer controller, if the number is chosen below the set number it will
Total Points –the Experience evolution threshold

The Weapon System
It starts, with a magic effect entry, having it set thatfollows both conventional methods of a Weapon enchantment, that being  a casting Type of Fire and Forget, and a Delivery of Contact (That’s converted to Aimedfor staffs) with a set magnitude of1
All other settings can be set up set up to your digression,however what has to be set is the controller script, which is MLRWeaponEvoScript01
The script does require a global, that is used to keep thecount of experience any item with the global named MLREvo
What this script does, is tells the game that on every contactthe script uses either SpellCastFoeOR SpellCastSelf as is dictated bythe spell you the user choose to tie to it, If it’s a targeted spell use SpellCastFoe, If its designed to fire onthe wielder Run SpellCastSelf. Itthen runs the XPChanceGain whichwill randomly choose a number from 1 to 100 and if its below the set number it
will add 1 to the MLREvo Global and when the XPRequiredGain and the MLREvo Global match, the script will have the Current Item be removed, replaced, and the item called in the Next Item entry of the script will bereplaced. Message next item isn’t usedin these builds but Is used when the item ‘evolves’
Script Understanding
GItemXPCurrent– The Global XP ‘container
ItemCurrent:the item that this specific script is to be connected to
ItemNext: -the next item in the evolution sequence
MessageNextItem:- Unused, but is to send a message when exp conditions are met
SpellCastFoe: -Spell used to control the XP counter, is targeted
SpellCastSelf –Spell used to control the XP counter, is aimed at the weilder
XPChanceGain: -randomizer controller, if the number is chosen below the set number it will
XPRequiredGain: -the Experience evolution threshold

Invalidation System
The item in question here, Warlocks Ring has anattachment of the script MLRArtifactInvalidator,which calls for a Global in thiscase, the entry named, MLRLVLArmorWarlocksRingwhat this does is that when the item is moved across any container it fills the
Global with 100, that then calls the lesser Leveled Lists global, the same that
is called in MLRArtifactInvalidator.As the Global controls the chance for the specific item to drop list, in this
case MLRLVLEntryArtifactDWArmorRingWarlock
It is this leveled list, MLRLVLEntryArtifactDWArmorRingWarlock is the entry that is to beused for the main loot tables. It will populate and so long as the Entry list is set to either 0 (A 100percent chance to drop) or 100 (A Zero chance to drop) as is designed the
parent list will be the one holding the true chance of loot drops
Script Understanding
MsgWhenAdded –Debug, used to see if an item correctly adds
MsgWhenRemoved– Debug, used to see if an item correctly fires when removed
UniqueStatus –Calls for a global on an item that controls the toggle for the single item 

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