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Installation and basic use for LOOT and TES5edit within Mod Organizer.

Download LOOT here:

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  1. scrodz
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    get an error message every time I try to install Mod Organizer 1.3.11. "Error opening file for writing: C\Program Files(x86)\Mod Organizer\Mod Organizer.exe". Can anyone help me with this?
  2. chris8n
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just stopped using NMM and moved to MO but LOOT no doesn't work for me in MO. If I run LOOT normally, it only reads the Steam Data folder and not the MO Mod folder. Any way to change it?
    1. Minerlord
      • supporter
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      Install loot outside of skyrim game folder, not in the MO folder or Skyrim install folder, and run it through Mo like in the video.
    2. Alexandrina
      • member
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      I have no idea how long this has been here or if you already found a fix, but I was having the same problem. I had to go to Settings in LOOT and manually type in the path to Skyrim before it detected it. Then you have to run it from MO or it will only detect the Data folder
  3. rafaelrozhan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ive downloaded LOOT, but i cant pick skyrim as the game. its stuck on fallout 3 for some reason, any help?
  4. oosik
    • premium
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    Loot does not work, just open a big blank window. It is installed in folder outside of other things?

    using MO 1311 and LOOT 081

    So there may be an issue with NMM installed at the same time, uninstalling NMM, then reinstalling LOOT seemed to fix it. For future reference.
    1. linkxp4444
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      Well, I uninstalled Nexus Mod Manager and reinstalled LOOT, trying multiple installation locations each time I reinstalled it, but I still can't run LOOT from Mod Organizer. I need to be able to sort my mods, since every time it starts to snow heavily in Skyrim (with Climates of Tamriel installed) I get a CTD (so I assume that would be a load order problem, since I don't know what else it could be since I always check the requirements and compatibility issues for all the mods I install). Even without Climates of Tamriel installed I still get random CTD issues every 20 - 30 minutes which must also be a load order issue.

      Just like you I have Mod Organizer v1.3.11 and LOOT v0.8.1 installed, but I still can't get LOOT working through Mod Organizer even after trying your fix. I need to be able to sort the mods to play the game. Does anyone know how to fix the issue?
    2. Horse4Horse
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      MO have built-in loot version. And it's outdated.
      But you can change name of exe from "loot" to "lootcli"(in Mod Organizer\loot", and now if you press "sort" button - loot'll start, without toolbars/etc.
  5. mistercustard
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks very much Cal - nice video.
  6. DubstepNinja88
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    I can't install LOOT because the whole right half of the NMM interface is empty. All these videos I see show a much more complete NMM. I seem to have half of the program, and it's keeping me from installing LOOT, adjusting mods, doing much of anything. Every tutorial is telling me to go push buttons I don't have. I have no idea what to do...
    1. BeefyGamr
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      That's because it's not NMM, it's a different mod installer called Mod Organizer. Here's a video link to Gopher's video explaining what Mod Oganizer is and does.
  7. TheWalker2002
    • premium
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    When I run Loot absolutely nothing happens whether I'm either running it through the built in tool or the one I installed separtley, I heard metion of having NMM installed can affext this but I only use NMM for Fallout 4 so I can't see how this would affect this. Does anyone have any idea?
  8. deleted11285433
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Can someone help me. When I press sort it opens the like loading bar and then it says done and nothing happens
    1. Pevori
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Its suppossed to put a right order to your plugins, but dont trust it at all
  9. emiliospider1
    • member
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    I'm having the same issue than chris8n...has anyone have a workaround or something?
  10. systemcity
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    LOOT just saved my character.
    I Installed LOOT after BOSS just ruined my load order, I am glad LOOT made a nice load order for me and that there is an "Apply" button.

    Nice video.