
Interview with trufflesduval, author of March's FOTM

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TrufflesDuval Texture Mod by trufflesduval was the winner of March’s File of the Month competition for Dragon Age Nexus. Trufflesduval was kind enough to do an interview with us, which you can read below.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, what are some of your hobbies outside of games?
A: Besides hanging out with my good friends, I also love to cook. It's a fun challenge always making something new and that feeling when you get to taste your delicious results is bliss

Q: What was your inspiration for creating this the Texture Mod?
A: I love beautiful things, I guess you can call me shallow. This game seemed far too dated in the visual department, so I decided to fix that.

Q: Do you plan on any new features being implemented in the mod?
A: I intended to modify armor and weapons and anything else I might have missed. It's a slow process, and I can't say when I'll finish. I'm considering uploading my incomplete files to the public for the community to finish.

Q: What was the hardest part about the creation process?
A: Figuring out the best way to make things blend with each other and how to make the best result for each piece.

Q: Any plans for future projects?
A: I do plan on making more things, mostly likely when/if Bioware releases a toolset

Q: What was your favorite part about the creation process?
A: The results!

Q: What are some of your favorite games if Dragon Age 2 isn’t the only game you play?
A: I'm very open to games. I like to try things, foreign or not, to an extent before I decide anything about it. Ultimately I'm an RPG fan, JRPG or WRPG, it's the story that keeps me playing!

Some of my favorite JRPG's are Suikoden II, SMT Nocturne, Persona 3 & 4, Chrono Trigger, and some Final Fantasy games!

Some of my favorite WRPG's are Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, Alpha Protocol, Kotor II, and Planescape: Torment!

Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring mod authors?
A: Dedication and patience is key, if you lack one you better find it! Also, make sure it's a game you see potential in or love! Don't give up hope, a game is only as bad as you let it be!

Q: Finally, do you have anything you would like to say to our readers?
A: Look for something that makes you happy, and remember it, understand it, cherish it. It might make you get out of a tight spot or when you need something the most.

Congratulations to trufflesduval for creating March’s File of the Month.