
Do not upload the GECK or preorder DLC

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Please do not upload the GECK or any of the preorder content for New Vegas Nexus to the site. They are not your property and they are not Nexus property; they belong to Bethesda and Obsidian accordingly. As such you should treat these files in the same way you would be expected to treat anyone elses work on this site. No permission? No upload.

Continue to upload these files at your own peril.

On a side note resident staff member Vagrant0 has released a mod titled Preorder Alternative that provides a very similar service to the preorder DLC without breaking any laws. What a good idea, eh?


  1. secksegai
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    While I can understand utilizing steam for automatic patching, there seems to be a bit of a flaw with it. Unless steam keeps a hidden archive of the executable after patching (which is unlikely considering the CS/Half-Life experience) it means re-downloading any time an uninstall is performed. When you take into account that the patches are of significant size, and that NV was far from bug free in it's initial release, it does more harm than good. Uninstall/Reinstall is painful enough by itself, and to add long download times on top of that will mean an already frustrated customer is very likely to become all the more irate. As I've spent quite a bit of time providing tech support for both gaming and general use, it's not a very pleasant position to have to inform a client of that step when there's no guarantee of the issue being resolved. I can't think of any game that I have patched to have only done once, so having an executable on file helped ease the pain of the reinstall process, whether for troubleshooting purposes or after getting the urge to play an old game.

    While with MMO's I can understand not having executeables since the content is constantly changing a bit anyway, most MMOs I've played were far more stable and reinstallation a painful last resort.In single player gaming, it just takes an already irritating situation and makes it worse. While added download time is an inconvenience for some, for people charged on bandwidth usage (generally outside the US) it can mean even more money spent.
  2. bben46
    • premium
    • 781 kudos
    There are no New Vegas patches mirrored here because all legal patches are automatically downloaded from Steam and nowhere else. You will get the patches - whether you want them or not - when they become available the next time you log into steam if you are not automatically logged in when you play.
  3. secksegai
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I'm guessing the reason the official file section is empty is that even the patches are falling under this and thus aren't being mirrored here?&nbsp; Or is it because Steam generally takes care of that now?<br><br>I'm so used to having to search for patches for games across Mirrors.&nbsp; Doubt I'd have much luck finding any patches for something like my NoLF 2 should I ever get the urge to play that again.&nbsp; Luckily I remembered to save it (and many others)&nbsp; just in case I get said urge.&nbsp; Not sure my saved Starcraft patch is up to date but unlike most of the older games I probably don't need to worry =)<br>
  4. wootmanv2
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    The GECK is free so why does it matter?

    Alt account of previously banned member 'Wootman' - banned again - The Vampire Dante.
  5. bben46
    • premium
    • 781 kudos
    Here is a link to the GECK EULA on the Bethesda Softworks download site.

    Read it carefully to see just what is and is not allowed, and what you assign to them by using it.
    One reason they recommend only downloading the GECK from Beth is that many (most) torrented versions leave off the EULA so you will not know what it says.
  6. NuclearDestination
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Uh the pre order DLC does not effect the the new vegas esm file at all
  7. Mavkiel
    • premium
    • 20 kudos

    Pointless to upload pre-orders anyway, when the community will more than match them with mods.

    There would be a point. The geck likes to make those pointless dlc master files every chance it gets. I for one am getting a wee bit tired of having to vet every mod I use or make for those pointless dlcs being added. That being said, I in no way condone or endorse piracy. I am merely stating that those dlcs have no point beyond making modders and mod users lives more difficult.
  8. MeNoChinese
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hmm. I probably should've read the EULA, my guess is that with the GECK tools there is a EULA too and that it is limited as well. I wonder what Bethesda has said about Pre-orders and GECK in the EULA, because it would be my understanding that no specified usage is either applicable or inapplicable.
  9. dieangel68
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos

    Not to be contradictory but the pre-order material is contained on the discs if I'm correct, so we have every right to the data if we payed for the game. When we shelled out $60, we purchased a license to operate the intellectual property whose rights were reserved under Bethesda and Obsidian. And, GECK is freeware so I'm pretty sure that you aren't violating anything.

    Read the EULA, buying software doesn't work at all like buying a milk carton, you do not own anything else than the plastic disk of the game, what's on the disk remain the property of Bethesda, who grant you a limited license to use the software. You can't dispose of it as you see fit.
  10. MeNoChinese
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Not to be contradictory but the pre-order material is contained on the discs if I'm correct, so we have every right to the data if we payed for the game. When we shelled out $60, we purchased a license to operate the intellectual property whose rights were reserved under Bethesda and Obsidian. And, GECK is freeware so I'm pretty sure that you aren't violating anything.