
OpenMW 0.18.0 released

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The OpenMW team is happy to announce OpenMW version 0.18.0 has been released. This version introduces a myriad of new features, including Level-Up, Key re-binding, Spell buying, eating ingredients, using Keys to open things, and much more. A full changelog shall be added at the end of the post. As since version 0.9.0, a release commentary video which covers the most important changes is available to watch.

New to OpenMW?
OpenMW is a modernized and more moddable open-source engine which aims to be able to implement the game we all love and all mods made by the community. Be sure to check out our FAQ video or official site for more information. If you have questions or want to help, feel free to post on our forums.

Version 0.18.0 log:

known Issues

The launcher can crash on OS X versions < 10.8, this will be fixed in version 0.19.0
“Shaking screen effect” can occur on cell change


Implemented Level-Up dialog
Implemented Hide Marker, fixes big black blocks
Implemented Hotkey dialog
Implemented Keyboard and Mouse bindings, input system rewritten
Implemented Spell Buying Window
Added support for handling resources across multiple data directories
Implemented Object Movement/Creation script instructions
Initial AI framework implemented
Implemented eating Ingredients
Implemented Door markers on the local map
Implemented using Keys to open doors/containers
Implemented Loading screens
Implemented Inventory avatar image and race selection head preview (note that only default Dunmer male displays at the moment)
Fixed the size of Preferences menu buttons
Fixed Hand-to-hand always being 100
Fixes for NPC and character animation
Fix for sound coordinates
Fix for exception when drinking self-made potions
Fix for clothes showing up in 1st person
Fix for weird character on door tooltips
Collision fixes
Fix for “onOfferButtonClicked” crash


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  1. NinjaGoddessAyra
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I swear, someday when omw is completed, and we combine the province mods such as Project Cyrodiil and Tamriel Rebuilt into one game, combined with the updated engine of this....that will be by far the best game ever. I swear, it's what I've been dreaming of for years. And if it looks like that won't happen before the year 2020, so be it, I'm a patient person.
  2. Substancekill
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've always had a lot of hope for OMW. I've been following it since god knows when and when its completed it will be a thing of beauty that I'm sure the open morrowind team will constantly update, fix and improve.
  3. Zaldiir
    • Moderator
    • 481 kudos
    Great news!

    Maybe it is time for me to actually try it out then.