
Bethesda rumour mill churns in time for E3

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I don't normally do much news outside of modding because hey, I'm rubbish at it, ok? But after doing some browsing today there's word on the grape vine that Bethesda is gearing up for the announcement of a "secret" at E3 that starts in just over a week.

Now a new Elder Scrolls game wouldn't be a surprise. Since Fallout 3's release over 18 months ago Bethesda haven't announced any new projects in development in their own dev studios (just lots of publishing deals with their various partners). You can hardly have expected them to all be sat in their studios updating blogs all day inbetween Madden sessions with Todd. Maybe you can. But lets not forget that ZeniMax, owners of Bethesda, started an MMO division some two years ago and developed quite a talented pool of staff from some major MMO's.

If this is a Bethesda announcement then I'd assume this wouldn't be MMO related and with New Vegas close to launch I doubt they'd try and dent that game's publicity by annoucing another Fallout game so the logical conclusion would be an Elder Scrolls V announcement.

What I'd really love is a dual launch of both the Elder Scrolls V and an Elder Scrolls MMO. Launch ESV and then release [the] MMO a month later following on from the conclusion of ESV. Hook people in to buying both games as each is linked to the other. I understand the taboo that is MMO gaming, but I haven't played a proper MMO in years (I don't count EVE Online) and I for one would welcome an Elder Scrolls MMO so long as it didn't cut in to a single-player Elder Scrolls game launch.

Bethesda have always shrugged off talk of an Elder Scrolls MMO claiming single player games to be their forte and I doubt they'll have changed their focus now, but keep an eye out for that MMO announcement too.

Interesting times. Hopefully in 45 days time we'll have the announcement of the ESV, an Elder Scrolls MMO and England will be lifting the world cup again. I'm not sure which is least likely.


  1. BethesdaFan
    • BANNED
    • 2 kudos
    I dont think they will ever surpass oblivion.
  2. Dianadoesitbest
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos

    Hopefully they will finish the second novel soon because they said the two novels lead up to tes v so they are going to release the second book before they will give us any info on tes v because if they give us info before the second novel then we will all know what happened and no one will buy the book then.But why can't they at least tell us that they are making it?

    Well some good and bad news guys, my Fiance's sister's husband was involved with coding for TESIV's construction set. Aparently the Construction set up for V isn't even near half complete. Which means at this time it may end up even getting shelved because bethsedia i focusing ore on the fallout franchise and hunted. Actual game production hasn't even reached the story stage. Even worse is he said there is talk on not even releasing the TES V Construction kit, as they may be doing some outsourcing work with another company. to speed things up,; and for legal reasons including the construction kit won't be profitable. SO TES is either way off in the future, or it will be shelved, and if it does get released say good bye to our modding experience as we know it. <img class=">
  3. nahovian
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Hopefully they will finish the second novel soon because they said the two novels lead up to tes v so they are going to release the second book before they will give us any info on tes v because if they give us info before the second novel then we will all know what happened and no one will buy the book then.But why can't they at least tell us that they are making it?
  4. Camonna Tong
    Camonna Tong
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    I looked, it seemed it was just a Fallout New Vegas "Real" Trailer not a teaser..... Unless they haven't released TES thing yet.
    Yep "October 19th 2010".
  5. Camonna Tong
    Camonna Tong
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Hmm the second novel isn't out I wonder. Does Bethesda already have the finished copy of the second novel, because they said they wouldn't release TES V till the two novels are out. No wonder if so Bethsoft tech hasn't responded to me about the second novel. Lol.
  6. urrinor
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Ah well, it seems it was an MMO indeed... but a Fallout one! Personally, I can't spend money/time or am not willing to spend money on MMOs, but I'm sure they can make something interesting out of this... hope it's not just another generic grinding title!
  7. Silver Grace
    Silver Grace
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    • 9 kudos
    I checked the E3 schedule and after the Fallout New Vegas demo there is a confidential game. Hopefully its TES V <img class=">
  8. Avoozuul
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    The only thing I'm afraid of is that they may be making it steam only just like Fallout: New Vegas and the fact that Bethesda are much more used to making the fallout games they have and will possibly be a little out of style with the next elder scrolls game or even make it shorter then oblivion as well as lacking even the most basic of weapon types and no unique ones just like oblivion, not to mention not being able to use separately made race body meshes for each race in the construction set which oblivion lacked badly.
  9. pseudobio
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Single player announcement would be possible, but I doubt an MMO.

    As aside note, the USA will bring home the World Cup, not the UK.
  10. Riveon
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Got the cover art in today for the next issue. Giant sequel not at E3, and the art...well, fantasy nuts are gonna crap themselves
    Tweet about next GI issue.