
Forum server issues [Updated again]

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The main hard drive on the forum server is on the brink of failing, much like the Fallout 3 Nexus file server hard drive did. To make matters a little more interesting I have already begun plans to reconsolidate the webservers here in the UK on some much more powerful hardware and given my current provider their notice. This means that a server move will be taking place around the middle of August and my hope was that the forum hard drive would hold out until then.

Sadly I'm not sure it will as it continues to put out at random intervals causing all the non-registration and commenting issues the site is currently experiencing. It's a beggar. I've scheduled a disk check to be run on the forum server around 10am GMT tomorrow, which will bring the forum server down for a couple of hours. This means the forums, as well as registration and commenting will not be possible during this time.

These things happen, and the good news is the new hardware will be more redudant and secure than the current hardware. The file servers themselves will remain in the US.

Please bare with us while we go through this difficult phase.

Update 31st July @ midday GMT: The harddrive is going through a full diagnostic at the data centre which is taking a long time. It's been going for about 12 hours and only completed about 55%, what's worse is it's coming back clean so far. So there's still some time to wait on that front.

For me this comes at a bad time; I'm currently moving out my student house that I've been living in the past 3 years while also running all sorts of errands for my brother's wedding, which is tomorrow, in which I am the best man.

I'm afraid you're all going to have to wait a little bit longer and just hang in there. All the data is backed up so no worries there. I'm going to quickly try and jump in to some of the site code now and disable some of the features on the site that won't be working to avoid confusion, inbetween having a shower and running on back home to do a rehearsal for the wedding tomorrow. Fun times.


  1. Pineapplerum
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    Just wanted to let you know that I'm not having any issues with the web site. Maybe I'm just lucky or you're doing a great job in spite of all of the crap happening.
    I hope you're managing to get some rest.
    Take care!
  2. overload1977
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    well it has just come back up at 2am GMT time <img class=">

    the site going very fast as well lol i guess becuase no one is logged on at this time <img class=">
  3. Ancient Aeon
    Ancient Aeon
    • member
    • 38 kudos
    Hey, I can't acsess the forums yesterday (FOR A FULL DAY). Hopes the problems ends.
  4. katshy
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Ah! Is this why it keeps saying Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage? Ah makes sense now.

    Well, thanks in advance if you get it up and running again, which i know you will! (cause you has skill!)
  5. buddah
    • supporter
    • 1,230 kudos
    Just a note to the members, with the forums in it's current state. Moderating and Admin abilities are limited and some things are not possible at present.

    Your reports will be dealt with as soon as possible. Those that can be addressed will be, but feedback is not possible at present.

  6. Thor.
    • BANNED
    • 63 kudos
    Lets hopee the forums will be backup by Friday, i am starting to go in withdrawal.

  7. Verbal Earthworm
    Verbal Earthworm
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    can people please stop posting pleas of desperation over this.
    for one, it doesn't fix things any quicker,
    and for another, it makes the people fixing it feel badgered.
  8. Sarya
    • member
    • 67 kudos
    Good luck to you, guys (and good luck to me in making this comment).
  9. BadPenney
    • BANNED
    • 105 kudos
    Thank you for taking time to let us know what is happening.
  10. Sarya
    • member
    • 67 kudos
    Oh my... Good luck and best of patience to you, guys. I doubt I can imagine the headache this may cause.