
Bandwidth leechers probable cause of recent issues

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After doing some grundgy looking around in the server log files I found a number of bandwidth leechers all originating from China. Bandwidth leechers cause mini Denial of Service attacks as they take up multiple (often 50+) connections and use up the servers entire bandwidth, meaning people either cannot connect to the server or download at very low transfer rates.

Aside from IP banning these people, which isn't very preventative in this day and age, I will also be looking to limit the total number of connections each IP can open on the file server. This limit will probably be set at 3. What does this mean? Essentially, you will only be able to download 3 files at a time from a file server, or, if you use a download manager and have found a way to get it to work with this site, you will only be able to make 3 threads for your download.

Hopefully we'll all be seeing faster downloads and less IPS Driver errors on the site very soon!


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  1. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,928 kudos
    This has run it's cause <img class=">
  2. Firesea
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Dear Miss Cleo (aka ninja_lord666),

    Your speculation and conjecture must obviously be correct since your analysis is completely infallible, taking into account all possible factors.

    That being said, according to you, "Industrial Revolutions" must be one time events that temporarily propel nation states into "Super-powers". I guess the benefits must have somehow faded away from places like Europe and the US.

    I have no idea what you rambling about culture has to do with anything. Did I say anything about ancient culture? So far you haven't listed any Chinese or Indian cultural fixtures that have been adopted into mainstream western culture. You seem to assume that economic clout will directly translate into cultural influence.

    It's too bad you didn't look at your own definition of culture as well, since two paragraphs down you highlight the repressive and controlling nature of the Chinese communist government which censors and controls the media there. This restrictive environment must be ideal conditions for artistic development, at least in your eyes.

    I hope you had fun reading this, and I sincerely hope that you are red in the face and swearing under your breath like the airhead you are.
  3. buddah
    • supporter
    • 1,230 kudos
    Lets try and keep this on is getting a little sidetracked.

    I would rather not edit or delete things.....please; a little tolerance of the views of others.
  4. ninja_lord666
    • BANNED
    • 24 kudos
    Moron, I said nothing about population. China and India are undergoing their Industrial Revolutions which will skyrocket their technology allowing them to focus more of their resources on education which will in turn lead to smarter people and an overall more dominant country. The exact thing happened to the US. At first, no one in the currently dominating power of Europe thought America was going to become anything even remotely close to important, but once the Industrial Revolution happened, America boomed in every way possible launching us into the main super power of the world. China and India are at that very stage. You may think they are nothing and unimportant, but anyone who passed US History and has at least half a brain can see that not too far off in the distance, they'll be the new world leaders.
    You are also completely ignorant in other ways too. When I said, cultural centres of the world, I was not referring to ancient history. I was referring to modern culture. How you got the two mixed up is completely baffling. Our current culture has nothing to do with ancient customs, so why would future culture? Just because the cultural capitalmoves means that culture completely changes it's meaning?
    1. the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

    You notice in there it never once mentions history. Modern culture in America is movies, iPods, secret lives of celebrities, video games, etc. By changing the main cultural area, you just change the influence. So, instead of movies, iPods, secret lives of celebrities, video games, etc. you'll have Chinese movies, iPods, secret lives of Chinese celebrities, Chinese video games, etc.

    Also, just for the record, the Chinese communist government eliminated most, if not all, ancient customs. So, to answer your question, yes, I can name all Chinese customs: work, more work, and the government is always right.
  5. Firesea
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Lol, population doesn't make for cultural domination. When was the last time you wanted to do something that is a chinese or indian cultural custom? How many can you even name?
  6. Marxist ßastard
    Marxist ßastard
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    We were fighting Napoleon back in those days

    No we weren't; we were buying cheap land from him, made possible through his military victories against all those lime-sucki--- OH!

    Right, I see what you meant by that. Sorry.
  7. ninja_lord666
    • BANNED
    • 24 kudos
    Europe? Europe's time ended long ago; it ended when US crashed through the roof and took the lead. Now the US s slowing down, and China and India are taking up the reigns of leadership. Pretty soon, they'll be the new cultural centres of the world.
  8. arcano200
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Well you say they're the future of the world, I don't thinks so, unless you want Europe full of Chinese.
    If you want my opinion I think theres too many of them.
  9. Paul Emil
    Paul Emil
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The IPS driver errors are soon to be exorcised? Wahey! Farewell to bad drivers!
  10. ninja_lord666
    • BANNED
    • 24 kudos
    Ah, right. Late 1800s. China is currently in their Industrial Revolution which we were in during the late 1800s.