Monthly Roundup - June 2024

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Another month has flown by and with it comes our next monthly roundup for you all. This month it’s a little shorter as we’re still partway through our 3-week work cycle, but we wanted to update you on what we’ve accomplished in June.

The Nexus Mods App Alpha Test
A big one this month is the launch of the Nexus Mods app alpha test. We cannot stress enough how early stages the app is, and it currently only supports Stardew Valley. While we do have plans to support more games over time, this will be a long process, so bear with us. However, it is still incredibly exciting to be able to invite people to test and give feedback on their experience with it in its current form. A lot more details and information about this alpha test can be found here in our news post.

New Payment System
If you’re a premium member, you’ll have seen that our new payment system, Paddle, is now live. This means that from now on, all new premium subscriptions will go through Paddle. As we previously announced, the price of all premium members subscriptions will be increasing.

The online landscape has evolved over the last few years, and we’re now at the stage where we need to collect taxes globally. The downside is this has meant a price increase for our premium membership. But on the plus side, we can now serve more users from more countries. This change to Paddle also opens the door for us to explore other payment options in the future.

Navigation Changes
We’ve made several improvements to the site’s navigation to make it smoother and more consistent. We've refreshed the fonts, spacing, and overall responsiveness to match our design system.

We’ve standardised fonts, UI colours, spacing, and layout to make switching between the main site and Collections smoother. We’re also refining the “Games” tab, and it has been tested by focus groups. To explain this more and give some context, this means:

  • Both the main site ( and the Next site ( now use the same header navigation.
  • Fonts, layout, UI colours, and spacing have all been updated to align with our design system.
  • You can now favourite up to 24 games, doubling the previous limit of 12. We’re also working on making it even easier to add and remove favourites in the future.
  • We’ve added some basic metrics so we can see which links get used and which don’t. We’ll review this data and consider more changes based on actual usage.
  • We’ve removed a handful of links that led to error pages in some scenarios.

We'd love to hear your thoughts so if you want to provide feedback please comment on this Forum thread.

Other Updates
  • Updated OAuth success page: Now, when you log in to Nexus Mods through a third-party app like Wabbajack, or Vortex, you'll see a generic message instead of one specifically for Vortex. 
  • Removed outdated banners: Removed banners advertising Donation Points store items which are no longer available.
  • Changes to the sitewide banner: Made changes to our sitewide banner for serious issues. It now sticks around persistently and is way more reliable.
  • Improved page layout: Improved the layout of pages on our Next subdomain. Most pages now have a consistent container layout, part of our ongoing efforts to keep our design system uniform.

What are we working on next?
Remember last month when we mentioned in our roundup the mod comment search feature? Well, it’s still in the works, but we know how sought-after this is. Especially after all the feedback from people vocalising how much they’d love this to make a return. Although we can’t give more information on it at the moment, we can assure you this is something we’re working on and it will make a return.

Here’s what else you can look forward to in the coming months:

  • Site Overhaul: More of the website will be on 
    • We’ve set up the layout of the new mod page, specifically the ‘Files’ section. Next, we’ll be hooking this up to the GraphQL queries to bring in live data. 
    • We’ve also created a new mod search results page, equivalent to It’s fully operational with production data, including all sorting options and the Adult Content and Game filters. 
    • We’re still working on the rest of the filters, so stay tuned for more updates.
  • Donation Points System: We’re making changes to the way the Donation Points system works. Our new algorithm is in the works and payouts will reflect that. We’re also adding powerful new tools to give our Community team the ability to enforce our new Donation Points policy and guidelines. More news will follow on this soon.
  • Changing our Payment Provider: All current Braintree credit/debit card and PayPal customers will have their subscriptions migrated to Paddle over the coming months.
  • Moderation Tools: Our shiny new Moderation system continues to improve so we can action reports more effectively in response to higher site traffic.

As always, keep your feedback coming; we’ll bring more updates next month!


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  1. Wolflady500
    • premium
    • 108 kudos
    Will currency BP payouts no longer go through Paypal? Should mod authors make a Paddle account to be paid?
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      DP Wallet payouts will still go through PayPal.
    2. Wolflady500
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      Awesome, thank you!
  2. klementineQt
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    I , for one, am excited to see the entire site updated eventually. I honestly wish that you guys took the 'fully develop a beta version of the site and then deploy it when ready' approach instead of using collections as a showcase and then slowly developing piece by piece and deploying some of those pieces to the main site, creating a jarring hybrid that users like below are going to complain about (they'll probably complain anyways, which is why an approach like reddit has with the old.* subdomain wouldn't be a bad option to have). But I'd absolutely be an early adopter of the beta and am loving the new design.
    1. mfPixel
      • Designer
      • 3 kudos
      Glad you're enjoying the new design! 

      We are conscious of how switching between new and old parts of the sites can feel jarring for people. The main purpose of this update was to align both the new and old style of navigation to make switching between them feel more consistent. 

      I understand the sentiment of releasing one large update, but this would take exponentially longer and pose huge technical challenges. Releasing gradual updates allows us to move faster and have more control over the rollout, the trade-off being this period of transition between two UIs. As a design team, this is always at the forefront of our minds — we're making efforts to bring more subtle alignments between the visuals of both sites. We're looking forward to getting most of the main pages updated so we can start to focus on new features and improvements. Thanks for the feedback and support. 
    2. klementineQt
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      No criticism intended, I appreciate the reply. Honestly, it's just more impatience/anticipation on my part because I really enjoy the changes <3
    3. kojak747
      • premium
      • 790 kudos
      This wholesome conversation has a lot of good s#*! going on, see, this is how you do it.

      GFJ to all participants!

  3. Pagafyr
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I am amused by the name of the new payment system.  It suggests that premium purchasers are going to be paddled if we pay for premium again.  If we earn Premium by other means we won't go through the dread of being paddled.  RoFLOL
    1. worm82075
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Thank you sir, may I have another?
  4. JonThackery
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    The board was perfect as it was. Now selecting my mods send me to preferences...

    I don't understand this need to "modernize".
    1. IsharaMeradin
      • premium
      • 281 kudos
      Clicking My Mods from the Mods drop down menu briefly shows an empty My Content page and then sends one to their preferences page.  However, if on the preferences page, clicking My Mods will go to the My Content page as intended.

      Clicking My Mods from the profile picture drop down menu sends one to their mod page.

      I suspect the first is a bug that should be addressed.
    2. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 723 kudos
      That's a bug, thanks for letting us know. The current link ( should be ( - note the question mark instead of a forward slash at the end. I'll feed this back to get fixed. 
    3. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      This has now been fixed, thanks for the swift feedback.
  5. Kittykyle4
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I and many other people are having trouble with offside collection mods not properly downloading/installing stopping at 99%. Is there any fix to it or plan to fix it soon, because at this point I am considering charge backing my premium subscription, since I only got premium for mod collections and every collection I've tried that includes offsite mods is having this bug?
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      Please can you submit a proper bug report on our Forums:
  6. bolcien
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Good to see updates. One update I'd like to see is to the "Mod History" a way to remove a file that you don't want in there any more. could be put next to the Endorse or abstain buttons. incase you try a mod and it doesn't work or doesn't vibe with you.
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      Thanks for the suggestion.

      This isn't currently on our roadmap and we don't plan on implementing it in the near future. You can upvote this existing suggestion:
  7. halpyy
    • premium
    • 135 kudos
    Can we please get an option for the old UI? I'm not digging the new stuff at all.
    1. Leyr
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      I second this. The new changes are making me not want to use Nexus.
    2. zloybelka
      • member
      • 8 kudos
    3. Coldtrain2000
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I agree as well
    4. Conatus
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I also second this.
    5. ArngrimEinherjar
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      That'd be great.
    6. Steel9Dragon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Absolutely agree. This is simply change for change's sake.
    7. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback.

      No, we will not be reverting this change or providing an option to display the old UI.
  8. S1nonim
    • supporter
    • 62 kudos
    Perhaps this is not the place where I should report this, but I noticed that the last online login (active) date on the user page is frozen for May 21st. Is this a known problem and is it being worked on, or am I the only one who noticed it?
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      Thanks, this is a known issue and we'll get it fixed soon.
  9. terminetwork
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    Sounds all good.

    Just a little question/request: i don't know if this comes also with other games but is it actually possible to filter out translation mods? On Skyrim Special Edition there are a lot of translation mods which clutter up a lot the main page.
    1. CoralineKoralina
      • premium
      • 1,380 kudos
      Same with Baldur's Gate 3. Today the translations were like 80% of the new files. So annoying.
    2. mkh97
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Yes, you can do that here: Just click on the Translation tag to block it.
    3. terminetwork
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Seems to be working! Thank you very much! 

      What's up with the next subdomain? I didn't remember seeing at all before.
    4. mkh97
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      It has been there for some time now. The new user profiles are on the 'Next' subdomain. It sounds like mods will be the next to be on 'Next'.
    5. RandomTortoise
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      The best way to deal with that is to select the translation mod and check requirements for the original untranslated version, that's what I do and it saves me a good bit of time.
  10. Fable005
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Hello, will we ever have a filter to "search by most recently updated" for mods? this is an issue that affects the discoverability of an immense amount of older mods for new players, given that when time passes, older mods will get buried by the new ones with the only way of finding them is by going back pages and pages of mods, an option to show mods that have been updated recently (and I don't mean "of the mods that I have installed at some point, which were most recently updated", I mean, of all mods, which have been updated recently) would improve the discoverability of several older mods, I say this because a game called "Blade and Sorcery" released it's 1.0 update, leaving early access, and older mods don't work with the new version, so if an old mod gets updated, only the people who downloaded it previously would know by going into the download history and filtering by recently updated

    Edit: Nevermind, I just searched a bit and found out that it is already implemented and I was just too blind to see it!
    1. BReadymans
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      I think something that would be better, is if mods that do get updated reappear on new releases. Or the whole section gets a overhall. Similar to thunderstore where the default page is recently updated, and new mods appear on that as well. Another issue is where updated mods iirc cant reappear on the trending/hot mods section limiting visibility for the mod even more
    2. cyan49
      • premium
      • 77 kudos
      I agree that updated mods should get more visibility, but for example this was an issue with the old BethesdaNet. Every time the author updated their mod (or even updated the mod description), the Last Updated date was updated and the mod appeared on Latest. Some authors have previously exploited this by pushing their mods back into the Latest mods list with an empty update.

      AND in fact, this issue has partially reoccurred in BethesdaNet Fallout 4 mods, whereby when an old mod is updated it shows up as "Date Created: July 6, 2024" and goes into Latest mods list. BethesdaNet bugs aside, there is room for consideration in how updated mods gain visibility.