
A potential bug identified in Hearthfire

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Kotaku has the story about a possible bug/feature in the Hearthfire.

After you’ve built an entryway and a main hall for your manor, you can start selecting optional rooms like a library or kitchen. Each set of rooms is attached to a wing of the house — you can only build bedrooms in the west wing, for example — but you can only start planning out one room per wing at a time.

This is where the problems start. If you pick a plan from the west wing, start building parts of it over at the workbench, and then select another plan from the west wing at the drafting table, everything goes wonky. You can lose progress and even deny yourself access to entire rooms. (One of my blueprints disappeared entirely, and I can’t get it back.)

So what’s the solution? Build one thing at a time. Don’t pick multiple blueprints from the drafting table at once: just select one, finish all of its pieces at the workbench, and then move on to the next plan. Don’t get cute and experiment with drafting, or you might lock yourself out of some of the game’s content.

Let us know if you understand what on earth this means. Read it and more at Kotaku.


  1. durge13
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    Try and build two things in the same place and only one will be built clearly. Hardly a bug, just something they forgot to stop you from doing, might be fixed by the time it eventually reaches us PC users, less of a slap in the face if they do fix the bugs I guess.

    In a game this big, focusing on the bugs is silly, especially with PC versions considering it is impossible for them to test on every version of windows, or your specific combination of graphics card, etc. Kotaku seem to have it in for the DLC though, so far all I have seen about it on there is "Not worth it" or "mods are better".

    I have played all the 'better' mods and yes in many ways they can be but they never feel part of the game, the 'build your own home' mod is great but for me doesn't fit my needs/wants for a home, to begin with the location isn't somewhere I would want my home, the size of the home is nice though. The one i am using right now is Kagrenacs(?) Fortress and although it is great, I would prefer it not to be Dwarven styled as IMO the Dwemer architecture is a bit boring in Skyrim, much prefered the Morrowind appearance of it.

    Sorry for the wall of text, just bored and I like to express my opinion in hopes another modder will read and go "Hmm, I could do that!", tried a simple home for myself but...probably should have pressed delete instead of upload
  2. sironin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    @skunky123, probably not if it does anything to pre-existing child npc records or adds new ones. That mod will need an update.
  3. tg08096
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Please delete
  4. aerowx
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    this is why i prefer the original build your own house mod
  5. skunky123
    • account closed
    • 81 kudos
    Will Heathfire be compatable with the killable children mod and can i make an extra large basement ?
  6. User_1848331
    • account closed
    • 90 kudos
    I haven't had any problems with it myself. It probably took me a good 7-8 hours to do everything though. My 110 hours of loot doesn't move itself after all...
  7. AstroGazer
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    I played this on the 360 and it worked fine except when you had a follower and an adoptie, it would lock up. If I dismised the follower and did not adopt - it worked fine. I say there is a problem with having extra people in house. Just make sure you make a game save before you start to build, or before you enter your new home so at least you can restart.
  8. JDegenerate
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    You are doing it wrong
  9. OBLIVION312
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    • 0 kudos
    It seems to me what this is saying is that he started building in the west wing, and then decided to stop and build something else, still in the west wing, which of course would cause him to lose progress over the first thing, because he is building over it. You can only have one building in each of the wings (For example, you can't have the kitchen and the armory because they are both in the east wing, so you have to pick one.) And about blueprints disappearing, once you build a wing, the blueprints for the other options for the wing disappear. You get a book when you buy a plot of land that says this, so it seems the author of the article didn't read it.
  10. Lingwei
    • member
    • 98 kudos

    Skyrim Nexus is not an official site and this is not what Bethesda Softworks has called it. As the news poster I wrote bug/feature for two reasons. Firstly I'm not entirely sure whether this is a bug or if this was how it was intentionally meant to be (eg there may be instructions telling you to complete a room before you start on a new one - we won't know until we get it). Secondly calling bugs undocumented features is satirical. Look it up on Wikipedia.