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Elegant, PC-friendly interface mod with many advanced features.
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
No custom animation possible for Skyrim? Wrong. FNIS Behaviors allows to add different types of animations to the game: idles/poses, sequenced, furniture, paired, killmoves, creatures, and others.
- 3.4MB
- 385.5k
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Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
No custom animation possible for Skyrim? Wrong. FNIS Behaviors allows to add different types of animations to the game: idles/poses, sequenced, furniture, paired, killmoves, creatures, and others.
(ESP plugin)Reduces the extra force applied on ragdolls to a more reasonable level(MESH)Replaces ragdolls so that they bend and twist realistically and fall at a faster velocity, and increases friction to fix ice-like ragdoll sliding
- 315KB
- 265.3k
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(ESP plugin)Reduces the extra force applied on ragdolls to a more reasonable level(MESH)Replaces ragdolls so that they bend and twist realistically and fall at a faster velocity, and increases friction to fix ice-like ragdoll sliding
Enhanced Lights and FX has the goal to create a more dramatic and realistic mood to the Skyrim lighting.
- 145.7MB
- 219.4k
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Enhanced Lights and FX has the goal to create a more dramatic and realistic mood to the Skyrim lighting.
Apocalypse is the most popular Skyrim spell pack, adding 155 new spells that are unique, balanced, lore friendly, use high quality custom visuals and blend seamlessly into the vanilla magic system. Also includes scrolls and staves for the new spells.
- 60.5MB
- 176.4k
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Apocalypse is the most popular Skyrim spell pack, adding 155 new spells that are unique, balanced, lore friendly, use high quality custom visuals and blend seamlessly into the vanilla magic system. Also includes scrolls and staves for the new spells.
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
Set of enhancements to the follower system, for better and expanded follower use. Lotta stuff here so read the description for what you get and how.
- 100KB
- 172.3k
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UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
Set of enhancements to the follower system, for better and expanded follower use. Lotta stuff here so read the description for what you get and how.
This mod adds weather-dependent visual effects and NPC AI enhancements. All features related to the visual effects apply to all actors unless otherwise stated. Some features require SKSE to function.
- 46.7MB
- 168.1k
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This mod adds weather-dependent visual effects and NPC AI enhancements. All features related to the visual effects apply to all actors unless otherwise stated. Some features require SKSE to function.
Horses for followers with scripted follower AI behavior and advanced features, mounted combat for followers, horse armor, mounted combat horse charge, dynamic faction relations, cinematic horse call, horse whistle, mounted conversations and herb gathering, horse inventory, fast dismount and much more. Maximum compatibility. Powered by SKSE.
- 52.0MB
- 153.4k
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Horses for followers with scripted follower AI behavior and advanced features, mounted combat for followers, horse armor, mounted combat horse charge, dynamic faction relations, cinematic horse call, horse whistle, mounted conversations and herb gathering, horse inventory, fast dismount and much more. Maximum compatibility. Powered by SKSE.
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Frostfall is a survival-style mod that adds cold weather survival gameplay elements to Skyrim.
- 10.5MB
- 152.9k
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Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Frostfall is a survival-style mod that adds cold weather survival gameplay elements to Skyrim.
The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod
An epic killmove mod designed to be completely user-friendly and offer players a greater degree of control over their killmoves. Now updated for all current DLCs!
- 73KB
- 152.5k
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The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod
An epic killmove mod designed to be completely user-friendly and offer players a greater degree of control over their killmoves. Now updated for all current DLCs!
Immersive Patrols adds Stormcloak, Thalmor, Imperial and Dawnguard patrols to Skyrim and a few roaming Skaal, Reaver and Rieklings to Solstheim. These patrols can cross paths with eachother or the player creating new encounters.
- 45KB
- 141.6k
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Immersive Patrols adds Stormcloak, Thalmor, Imperial and Dawnguard patrols to Skyrim and a few roaming Skaal, Reaver and Rieklings to Solstheim. These patrols can cross paths with eachother or the player creating new encounters.
Multiple followers. Manage outfits, spells, combat style, home assignment and level up. Make werewolves,vampires lords. Followers ride horses, make camp, ignore traps, friendly fire. Toggle city/home/standard outfits & helmets, pose, dance, and more...
- 8.3MB
- 138.7k
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Multiple followers. Manage outfits, spells, combat style, home assignment and level up. Make werewolves,vampires lords. Followers ride horses, make camp, ignore traps, friendly fire. Toggle city/home/standard outfits & helmets, pose, dance, and more...
HUD when you need it. HIDE when you don't. Get the best of both worlds. The usefulness of having a HUD with the immersion of having none.
- 17KB
- 135.1k
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HUD when you need it. HIDE when you don't. Get the best of both worlds. The usefulness of having a HUD with the immersion of having none.
Realistic Lighting Overhaul 5.0 is here! This is a massive overhaul of Skyrim's lighting. Exteriors also vastly overhauled! No Post Processing - No FPS loss! New features added!! - As of 5.0, Dwemer Lighting Technology has been added to the game. Check out Understone Keep for an introduction to this feature!
- 12.6MB
- 133.4k
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Realistic Lighting Overhaul 5.0 is here! This is a massive overhaul of Skyrim's lighting. Exteriors also vastly overhauled! No Post Processing - No FPS loss! New features added!! - As of 5.0, Dwemer Lighting Technology has been added to the game. Check out Understone Keep for an introduction to this feature!
Skyrim Immersive Creatures adds dozens of new creatures to enhance your gaming experience. This mod adds brand new creatures which fit in to the world of Skyrim, alongside variations of existing creatures, adding diversity and improving gameplay.
- 641.7MB
- 120.1k
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Skyrim Immersive Creatures adds dozens of new creatures to enhance your gaming experience. This mod adds brand new creatures which fit in to the world of Skyrim, alongside variations of existing creatures, adding diversity and improving gameplay.
More Dialogue, More Realism, More Respect. This Mod alters the Guard Dialogue, changing it from something that breaks your immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it. All in the original voices and Fully compliant with Skyrim Lore.
- 1.3MB
- 112.1k
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More Dialogue, More Realism, More Respect. This Mod alters the Guard Dialogue, changing it from something that breaks your immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it. All in the original voices and Fully compliant with Skyrim Lore.
This is a skse plugin that enables a visible body while maintaining the look and feel of vanilla first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, crafting, riding, werewolf, knockout/death, etc.) are now in 1st person.
- 95KB
- 110.0k
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This is a skse plugin that enables a visible body while maintaining the look and feel of vanilla first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, crafting, riding, werewolf, knockout/death, etc.) are now in 1st person.
This mod will automatically unequip ammo when ranged weapon is unequipped and equip the same ammo back when you equip the ranged weapon again. Optional auto created equp sets - last used ammo can be remembered per each ranged weapon. Supports up to 25 followers from either EFF, UFO or AFT. Custom ammo is fully supported.
- 45KB
- 106.3k
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This mod will automatically unequip ammo when ranged weapon is unequipped and equip the same ammo back when you equip the ranged weapon again. Optional auto created equp sets - last used ammo can be remembered per each ranged weapon. Supports up to 25 followers from either EFF, UFO or AFT. Custom ammo is fully supported.
Adds around 115 sound effects that are played in Skyrim\'s wilderness. Distant animals, rain impact on structures and more.
- 27.6MB
- 102.6k
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Adds around 115 sound effects that are played in Skyrim\'s wilderness. Distant animals, rain impact on structures and more.
The default settings of this plugin will unlock the skill level caps of 100. This allows you character to keep leveling. You will also get benefits from skills above level 100, up to level 199 including enchantement bonuses. And other leveling tweak stuff :)
- 186KB
- 101.3k
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The default settings of this plugin will unlock the skill level caps of 100. This allows you character to keep leveling. You will also get benefits from skills above level 100, up to level 199 including enchantement bonuses. And other leveling tweak stuff :)