Books and Scrolls
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This mod adds a books store in Solitude. You can buy clutter books to grow your home library.
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This mod adds a books store in Solitude. You can buy clutter books to grow your home library.
This mod is for everyone that uses realism mods to enhance gameplay and adds to that making time pass when performing actions like reading, eating, crafting and training. Each menu has separate time and activation options.
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This mod is for everyone that uses realism mods to enhance gameplay and adds to that making time pass when performing actions like reading, eating, crafting and training. Each menu has separate time and activation options.
Return of the long lost Oghma Infinium book trick. :) My first successful original mod, with the aim of leveling up and advancing quickly.
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Return of the long lost Oghma Infinium book trick. :) My first successful original mod, with the aim of leveling up and advancing quickly.
Adds books with all recipes for alchemy, enchanting, and cooking.
Killed NPCs and animals allows this mod via magic to resurrecting, etc.
Stones of Barenziah Whereabouts
This mod simply adds a book to the game giving out the location of the stones of barenziah!
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Stones of Barenziah Whereabouts
This mod simply adds a book to the game giving out the location of the stones of barenziah!
With this mod you can use 20 vol. books with cheats codes for Skyrim
Shows every shout in Skyrim + DLCs too. This includes its name, location to find it AND its id to add it to your character!
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Shows every shout in Skyrim + DLCs too. This includes its name, location to find it AND its id to add it to your character!
This mod adds some classic literature to the world of Skyrim.
The Languages of Skyrim mod is a simple mod that adds a translation book allowing the player to manually translate any text in the game that is written in Daedric, Dragon Tongue, Falmer, Dwemer and more. It can also be used simply to learn the language off by heart, each character of any language corresponds with a letter in the English alphabet (A
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The Languages of Skyrim mod is a simple mod that adds a translation book allowing the player to manually translate any text in the game that is written in Daedric, Dragon Tongue, Falmer, Dwemer and more. It can also be used simply to learn the language off by heart, each character of any language corresponds with a letter in the English alphabet (A
Book Creator for Skyrim - BCFS
This small tool is a Visual Editor to make new book Mods easily.
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Book Creator for Skyrim - BCFS
This small tool is a Visual Editor to make new book Mods easily.
A picture per page for leisure reading.
The Lusty Argonian Maid Increases One Handed
So many people wanted it, from personal requests to just a humorous item. Now, the Lusty Argonian Maid, both books, as well as a new one by me that is in leveled lists, all teach the one-handed skill.
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The Lusty Argonian Maid Increases One Handed
So many people wanted it, from personal requests to just a humorous item. Now, the Lusty Argonian Maid, both books, as well as a new one by me that is in leveled lists, all teach the one-handed skill.
I made this mod for myself but I thought maybe others might like it.It adds most of the books from the Elder Scrolls Online
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I made this mod for myself but I thought maybe others might like it.It adds most of the books from the Elder Scrolls Online
Change the status of any book in Skyrim from read to unread.
identify what skill books are by sight
Allows the player to play the choose-your-own-adventure book "Kolb and the Dragon".
Younger Eddas Excerpts - VIking Mythology Books
Read some of the Younger Eddas in Skyrim!
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Younger Eddas Excerpts - VIking Mythology Books
Read some of the Younger Eddas in Skyrim!
Adds two copies of Michael Kirkbride's "Altmeri Commentary on Talos" to the game, in possession of Elenwen and Ancano.
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Adds two copies of Michael Kirkbride's "Altmeri Commentary on Talos" to the game, in possession of Elenwen and Ancano.
Quickly review NPC attributes and skills with these magic scrolls.