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Immersive Weapons seeks to drastically enhance the variety of weapons in the world of Skyrim in a lore friendly way. The goal of every addition is to blend into the lore, balance and feel of the game for the most immersive experience possible.
- 380.7MB
- 348.5k
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Immersive Weapons seeks to drastically enhance the variety of weapons in the world of Skyrim in a lore friendly way. The goal of every addition is to blend into the lore, balance and feel of the game for the most immersive experience possible.
adds 53 new craftable weapons to the game
Unique Uniques is an on going project that aims to fix this and give the unique weapons a unique appearance. The new designs for the weapons are based on established lore for either the weapon itself or the character wielding it, my own ideas have been mixed in too.
- 106.1MB
- 74.7k
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Unique Uniques is an on going project that aims to fix this and give the unique weapons a unique appearance. The new designs for the weapons are based on established lore for either the weapon itself or the character wielding it, my own ideas have been mixed in too.
The amazing Bow Sights Mod
Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection
high-res weapons: Sting, Legolas' bow and daggers, Witch King Sword, Sauron's Mace, Narsil, Anduril, Glamdring, and Morgul Blade from Lord of the Rings
- 38.3MB
- 48.9k
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Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection
high-res weapons: Sting, Legolas' bow and daggers, Witch King Sword, Sauron's Mace, Narsil, Anduril, Glamdring, and Morgul Blade from Lord of the Rings
This mod adds nearly 100 new weapons to Skyrim. You will find all new Halberds, Spears, Glaives, Shortswords, Quarter staves, Mauls, Hatchets and Clubs. Looking for some new gear to bash a skull in with (or get your skull bashed in with)? Than look no furhter than Heavy Armory!
- 10.1MB
- 28.2k
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This mod adds nearly 100 new weapons to Skyrim. You will find all new Halberds, Spears, Glaives, Shortswords, Quarter staves, Mauls, Hatchets and Clubs. Looking for some new gear to bash a skull in with (or get your skull bashed in with)? Than look no furhter than Heavy Armory!
This modification is a lightsaber style weapons mod for Skyrim.
Adds a new sword fitting into TES' lore. It has the Seal of Akatosh symbol engraved in the handle and letters in dovahzul also engraved in the blade, which says "- Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, to keep evil forever at bay..."
- 8.0MB
- 27.3k
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Adds a new sword fitting into TES' lore. It has the Seal of Akatosh symbol engraved in the handle and letters in dovahzul also engraved in the blade, which says "- Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, to keep evil forever at bay..."
Morrowind-themed weapons pack with a lot of new, non-replacement weapons.
The Huntsman is a Unique Bow designed to be the perfect companion for Hunters. The Huntsman is no ordinary bow, aside from it's Unique appearance it has the option of being Upgraded with Upgrade Kits that not only change the stats but also change the appearance. The Huntsman also levels up with the player so it should never become useless.
- 43.5MB
- 21.0k
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The Huntsman is a Unique Bow designed to be the perfect companion for Hunters. The Huntsman is no ordinary bow, aside from it's Unique appearance it has the option of being Upgraded with Upgrade Kits that not only change the stats but also change the appearance. The Huntsman also levels up with the player so it should never become useless.
This mod adds a craftable crossbow, unique quiver and four types of bolts for each of the following factions:CompanionsDawnguardDark BrotherhoodThieves GuildImperial LegionStormcloaks
- 22.9MB
- 20.7k
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This mod adds a craftable crossbow, unique quiver and four types of bolts for each of the following factions:CompanionsDawnguardDark BrotherhoodThieves GuildImperial LegionStormcloaks
Lore Weapon Expansion (L.W.E) is a project that aims to expand the available weapons found in-game via loot and the crafting menu. All of the included weapons are lore based, meaning they are either based on designs found in previous games (with visual upgrades) or based on descriptions/places/characters mentioned in the series lore.
- 231.0MB
- 19.7k
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Lore Weapon Expansion (L.W.E) is a project that aims to expand the available weapons found in-game via loot and the crafting menu. All of the included weapons are lore based, meaning they are either based on designs found in previous games (with visual upgrades) or based on descriptions/places/characters mentioned in the series lore.
Legendary Katana/Tachi made by CHINA-YYK and Moral-cat
Adds 25 new high quality weapons from Prince of Persia Warrior Within to Skyrim.
Adds a complete set of crossbows to the game.
Add new longswords inspired by the Skyrim\'s vanilla weapons
TERA Weapons Collection for Skyrim
Adds 175 new weapons from TERA Online to Skyrim.
- 301.4MB
- 16.5k
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TERA Weapons Collection for Skyrim
Adds 175 new weapons from TERA Online to Skyrim.
Adds Dread Knight Weapon Set to the game.
Adds 18 new weapons in 32 variations and a shield to the game. Craftable at the forge, steel category.
- 89.5MB
- 15.2k
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Adds 18 new weapons in 32 variations and a shield to the game. Craftable at the forge, steel category.
Adds a new Katana into the game, a Celtic Katana. The model and textures are all new, no retexturing here. The Katana's come in 3 colours, Blue grip, Brown grip and Black grip. The leather wrap on the scabbard also has it's colour changed to match. You can aquire the Katana's by crating them, they're setup
- 15.5MB
- 13.6k
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Adds a new Katana into the game, a Celtic Katana. The model and textures are all new, no retexturing here. The Katana's come in 3 colours, Blue grip, Brown grip and Black grip. The leather wrap on the scabbard also has it's colour changed to match. You can aquire the Katana's by crating them, they're setup