- Refine results Found 434 results. 71966 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio
The #1 Weather & Lighting overhaul for Skyrim.
- 101.1MB
- 280.7k
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Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio
The #1 Weather & Lighting overhaul for Skyrim.
This mod adds weather-dependent visual effects and NPC AI enhancements. All features related to the visual effects apply to all actors unless otherwise stated. Some features require SKSE to function.
- 46.7MB
- 168.2k
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This mod adds weather-dependent visual effects and NPC AI enhancements. All features related to the visual effects apply to all actors unless otherwise stated. Some features require SKSE to function.
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Frostfall is a survival-style mod that adds cold weather survival gameplay elements to Skyrim.
- 10.5MB
- 152.9k
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Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Frostfall is a survival-style mod that adds cold weather survival gameplay elements to Skyrim.
Realistic Lighting Overhaul 5.0 is here! This is a massive overhaul of Skyrim's lighting. Exteriors also vastly overhauled! No Post Processing - No FPS loss! New features added!! - As of 5.0, Dwemer Lighting Technology has been added to the game. Check out Understone Keep for an introduction to this feature!
- 12.6MB
- 133.5k
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Realistic Lighting Overhaul 5.0 is here! This is a massive overhaul of Skyrim's lighting. Exteriors also vastly overhauled! No Post Processing - No FPS loss! New features added!! - As of 5.0, Dwemer Lighting Technology has been added to the game. Check out Understone Keep for an introduction to this feature!
Adds around 115 sound effects that are played in Skyrim\'s wilderness. Distant animals, rain impact on structures and more.
- 27.6MB
- 102.6k
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Adds around 115 sound effects that are played in Skyrim\'s wilderness. Distant animals, rain impact on structures and more.
Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons
Adds 115+ sound effects to the game\'s dungeons that are played depending on the dungeons\' inhabitants.
- 42.0MB
- 87.3k
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Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons
Adds 115+ sound effects to the game\'s dungeons that are played depending on the dungeons\' inhabitants.
AOS is an extensive sound overhaul aiming to make the soundscape more immersive, clear, responsive, impactful and ultimately fun, while always aiming for maximum compatibility, performance and coherency with the main game. Ambience, weapons, magic, movement, reverb system, sound propagation, creatures and the whole mix are key areas of change.
- 224.9MB
- 68.0k
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AOS is an extensive sound overhaul aiming to make the soundscape more immersive, clear, responsive, impactful and ultimately fun, while always aiming for maximum compatibility, performance and coherency with the main game. Ambience, weapons, magic, movement, reverb system, sound propagation, creatures and the whole mix are key areas of change.
Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch
This patch will affect all weathers of Climates of Tamriel by JJC71
- 1.4MB
- 62.5k
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Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch
This patch will affect all weathers of Climates of Tamriel by JJC71
Let's make the weather insane!
A series of mods that will increase game performance. Your results may vary, greatly.
COMPATIBLE WITH \"SKYRIM FLORA OVERHAUL\" BY VURT AND \"LUSH TREES\" BY OPTICSHOOTER !!! Trees HD. This mod is an add-on for \"Skyrim Flora Overhaul\" by Vurt.With different trunks, may be more in the style of the original game.This is a great idea(to have different trunk and trees in the game), but I was not convinced by th
- 10.3MB
- 46.2k
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COMPATIBLE WITH \"SKYRIM FLORA OVERHAUL\" BY VURT AND \"LUSH TREES\" BY OPTICSHOOTER !!! Trees HD. This mod is an add-on for \"Skyrim Flora Overhaul\" by Vurt.With different trunks, may be more in the style of the original game.This is a great idea(to have different trunk and trees in the game), but I was not convinced by th
True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone
Adds 20 new, high quality intense thunder sounds with TRUE randomization, fixing the vanilla "thunder loop bug", and new heavy rain/snow textures/shaders AND INTERIOR SOUNDS! Storms are scary! Fully compatible with PureWeather, CoT, NLA, TAZ.
- 33.8MB
- 43.4k
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True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone
Adds 20 new, high quality intense thunder sounds with TRUE randomization, fixing the vanilla "thunder loop bug", and new heavy rain/snow textures/shaders AND INTERIOR SOUNDS! Storms are scary! Fully compatible with PureWeather, CoT, NLA, TAZ.
Real Shelter stops rain and snow from falling through overhead cover. Yes really. You are welcome. Now visually compatible with almost all weathers and ENB Presets. You are...more welcome...?
- 913KB
- 38.8k
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Real Shelter stops rain and snow from falling through overhead cover. Yes really. You are welcome. Now visually compatible with almost all weathers and ENB Presets. You are...more welcome...?
An unofficial, official addon for Wet and Cold, which extends support to Dragonborn and adds various ash related effects.
- 3.1MB
- 38.7k
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An unofficial, official addon for Wet and Cold, which extends support to Dragonborn and adds various ash related effects.
Lightning during Thunder Storms
I was always disappointed with the lack of actual lightning during thunder storms. The ground would light up, the rain was real, the thunder would sound so great, but I never saw any sheet lightning strikes in the sky or fork lightning strikes hitting the ground? Seeing as this has still not been fixed, I made this small mod to provide...
- 4.6MB
- 35.6k
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Lightning during Thunder Storms
I was always disappointed with the lack of actual lightning during thunder storms. The ground would light up, the rain was real, the thunder would sound so great, but I never saw any sheet lightning strikes in the sky or fork lightning strikes hitting the ground? Seeing as this has still not been fixed, I made this small mod to provide...
This mod adds pseudo-volumetric clouds to skyrim, i.e realistic 3d clouds. These clouds will change in coverage and altitude depending on the current weather. As well as normal clouds, there are also rain clouds which you can see raining in the distance, (at close distances they will look like fog). There is also a random variation applied to the
- 6.6MB
- 32.9k
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This mod adds pseudo-volumetric clouds to skyrim, i.e realistic 3d clouds. These clouds will change in coverage and altitude depending on the current weather. As well as normal clouds, there are also rain clouds which you can see raining in the distance, (at close distances they will look like fog). There is also a random variation applied to the
Vivid Weathers - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim
Vivid Weathers is the ultimate weathermod for skyrim. It combines features of COT, ESS,SS, Vivid Snow, Vivid Clouds and Fogs, Real Skyrim Snowflakes and much much more into one mod. It overhauls the colors and weathers with the aim to have stunning effects even without a ENB.
- 464.6MB
- 32.3k
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Vivid Weathers - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim
Vivid Weathers is the ultimate weathermod for skyrim. It combines features of COT, ESS,SS, Vivid Snow, Vivid Clouds and Fogs, Real Skyrim Snowflakes and much much more into one mod. It overhauls the colors and weathers with the aim to have stunning effects even without a ENB.
Seasons of Skyrim ENB True HDR
ADVENTURERS WANTED: This ENB combines fantasy, realism, immersion, and cinematics in a very elegant way. These are my Seasons of Skyrim. High Quality/Performance for ENB Series v0.292, v0.262, v0.236, and v0.119. Follow the installation steps and your game will look like my screenshots!
- 974KB
- 31.5k
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Seasons of Skyrim ENB True HDR
ADVENTURERS WANTED: This ENB combines fantasy, realism, immersion, and cinematics in a very elegant way. These are my Seasons of Skyrim. High Quality/Performance for ENB Series v0.292, v0.262, v0.236, and v0.119. Follow the installation steps and your game will look like my screenshots!
This mod does two simple modifications to the exterior fog of Skyrim to enhance the environmental immersion dramatically.
- 16KB
- 29.3k
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This mod does two simple modifications to the exterior fog of Skyrim to enhance the environmental immersion dramatically.
Travel beyond the borders of Skyrim and explore Bruma, the northernmost county in Cyrodiil. Delve into Ayleid ruins, meddle in local affairs or explore the wilds - the journey begins now.
- 2.3GB
- 28.5k
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Travel beyond the borders of Skyrim and explore Bruma, the northernmost county in Cyrodiil. Delve into Ayleid ruins, meddle in local affairs or explore the wilds - the journey begins now.