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About this mod

Replaces the texture of the small and big Blackreach mushrooms, to match my glowing mushrooms.
Optional version with both mods available

Permissions and credits

What it does:


This mod replaces the Blackreach mushrooms in game with hi-res textures (4K or optional 2K). Made this to match my mod Rally's Glowing Mushrooms.
Added an optional version with the glowing ones included.


- download with your prefered mod manager, install and overwrite when promted
- or download manually, extract and put the "Textures" folder of this mod in your Skyrim directory


- disable/uninstall the mod from your manager or remove the files from your Skyrim directory


These textures should be compatible with everything

Thx to sorca97 for testing and your great screenshots!


                                                                                          Also check my other mods