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About this mod

Have bandits become your followers, of course you need to beat them down to submission first. Have a max of 5 bandits while not taking your follower slot. Has follower functions and fully voiced.

Permissions and credits
Ever felt like picking up a loose dog and putting him/her to good use, well now you can. You can recruit up to 5 bandits as followers, they are voiced and has the basic follower functions such as wait/follow/trade, or you can choose to dismiss them to hell which will make them hostile again.

Bandit followers are not essential and will die like normal. However they will regenerate health but at a reduced rate of 0.3 while 0.7 is the normal rate.

When you reach a max of 5 and recruit another bandit, one of them will be left behind and may wonder off. I know little of the consequences of trying to break this mod due to limited testings however I suggests you kill the bandit when not needed.

Note: Not all "Bandits" are affected, only those who are in "BanditFaction" are able to be followers. These are your generic common ruffians.

Regen: If you find the bandit no longer has any health regen, talk to them and select one of the dialogues wait/follow/trade and it'll trigger the health regen again.

How it works
A generated quest searches for a 'BanditFaction' NPC that is in a bleedout state and allows you to talk and recruit them as a follower. A quest alias is applied to the bandit and they will not get their appearance, stats or equipment reset when their origin/location periodically resets . The affected bandit however does take up a slot, so if you return to the area you got them and after that location had been reset/respawn there will be nobody at their original spot while the other bandits reset like normal.


Use the managers to install. When uninstall just kill your bandits or they'll simply follow you around and you cant talk to them.

This mod is all quest based thus limiting conflicts, as of now there are no known issues.