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Only1Dragon And EnigmaWolf

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About this mod

We all know this mod and 1st thing i have to say is i give full credits to EnigmaWolf and thx for permission allowed to use his assets/mod in his page on permission section. Really great giant mod, so i had to share this:)

Enjoy :)

Permissions and credits
This mod apparently has some issues  wich i personally fixed: 
-1 Ai fix some giants didnt fight at all cuz of new weps addition and skill changes 
-2 Size hitbox, to fix that i had to make vanilla standard size except for some new npc in this mod 
-3 Range hit fixed, some npc from this mod were hitting even at an insane distance, fixed range atack and reballanced few small stats 
-4 Made giants and mammoths(all of them) enhanced a bit stronger and added some health regeneration as well as increasing some hp's 
-5 rest is all like how orriginal mod author described 
For mor detailed description read orriginal mod page + what i added, this version DOES NOT REQUIRE ORRIGINAL MOD just DOWNGUARD dlc 
Unique giant mod new features new enhancement new combat tactivs like u've never seen will came in a 2nd version, for now is a work in progress, giants that will make u think twice before messing with them. 
Known issuse none i tested carefully like any other thing i did... in case of something let me now... but there wont be any problems at all ... compatible with everything except mods that modify same stats etc as.  
Orriginal Description, just in any case:
[size=3]All Giants:
Double the Height, Weight, and Mass than Default
70 Unarmed Damage
256 Unarmed Reach
1000 Health and Stamina
9999 Carrying Capacity
0.01% Health Regeneration Outside of Combat
10% Stamina Regeneration
Skin and Clothing combination count as Light Armor.
Immune to Full Force Unrelenting Force
33% Resistant to Magic
33% Resistant to Frost and Fire
Can Be Looted for 10 Giant Toes Each (Frost Giant Toes for Frost Giants)
Are Not Pushable
Can't Be Knocked Down
Can Swim and Fight in Water
Naturally Unaggressive: Will usually only fight if provoked or Mammoths or other Giants are harmed, but will never flee from battle. 

Leveled Abilities: 

Giants will gain an additional 200 Health and Stamina every 20 Levels Up To Level 100 = 1000 Additional Health and Stamina
Giants will gain an additional 100 Damage Resistance every 20 Levels Up To Level 100 = 500 Additional Damage Resistance

At Level 35 Giants will have 1340 Health and 1170 Stamina + Additional 200 Health and Stamina = 1540 Health and 1370 Stamina
At Level 35 Giants will have 100 Damage Resistance + Additional 100 Damage Resistance = 200 Damage Resistance

At Level 80 Giants will have 1790 Health and 1395 Stamina + Additional 800 Health and Stamina = 2590 Health and 2195 Stamina
At Level 80 Giants will have 100 Damage Resistance + Additional 400 Damage Resistance = 500 Damage Resistance

Resistances for all Giants increase at level 50 and 70.~

Giant Shouts: All Giant Shouts effect areas and take longer to cast than the original shouts.~

Giant Unrelenting Force Shout: 50% More powerful than Unrelenting Force.
Giant Animal Alliegence Shout: All animals within a great radius will come to help the Giant.
Giant Disarm: 2x More Powerful than Disarm.
Frost Giant Frost Breath: 50% More powerful than Frost Breath.

Types of Giants: 

Appears when you are Level 1, starts at Level 35, and scales to your level upwards.
Has the least amount of clothing that provides 100 Armor Rating.
Has Giant Unrelenting Force Shout

Giant Veteran: 
Appears when you are Level 50, starts at Level 50, and scales to your level upwards.
Is 30% Larger and Heavier
Moves and Attacks 30% Slower
Has more clothing that provides 30% More Armor Rating.
50% Resistant to Poison
40% Resistant to Fire
30% Resistant to Disease

Has these Shouts: 
Giant Unrelenting Force Shout
Giant Animal Alliegance Shout

Giant Elder:
Appears when you are Level 70, starts at level 70, and scales to your level upwards.~
Is 50% Larger, and Heavier
Moves and Attacks 50% Slower
Has the most amount of clothing that provides 50% More Armor Rating.
Immune to Paralysis and Poison
50% Resistant to Magic, Fire, and Disease.

Has these Shouts: 
Giant Unrelenting Force Shout
Giant Animal Alliegence Shout
Giant Disarm Shout
Call Of The Ancients

Call Of The Ancients: Calls forth a Giant Ancient.
Can only use when Health is below 50%.
Can only use outside.
Ancient will stay for an entire day.
Can only use once per day.

Giant Ancient: 
Is Level 80 and Scales to your Level upwards.~
Has 2x the Health, Stamina, and Armor Rating of other Giants
Is 100% Larger and Heavier
Moves and Attacks 70% Slower
Looks like a Giant Elder.
Immune to Paralysis, Fire, Poison, and Disease.
70% Resistant to Magic
50% Resistant to Frost

Has these Shouts: 

Giant Ancient Unrelenting Force Shout: 2x More Powerful than Giant Unrelenting Force Shout

Giant Animal Alliegence Shout

Giant Disarm Shout

Giant Ancient Slow Time: Time itself will slow almost to a stop, Giants are unaffected by all other effects, everything in the center of the casting point will be Paralyzed, all near the center of the casting point will be slowed to 70% Movement Speed, and everything within a huge radius will be slowed to 50% Movement Speed. The effects will end according to their radius with the furthest effects ending first and the effects in the center of the casting point ending last.~ Can be used once a day.

Frost Giant: 
Start at Level 50 and Scale to your Level upwards.
50% Larger and Heavier
Moves and Attacks 50% Slower
Covered in Fur Hide that counts as Light Armor that provides 50% More Armor Rating.
Has 500 More Health and Stamina
1% More Health Regeneration Outside of Combat
Immune to Frost
50% Resistant to Magic, Lightning, Poison, and Disease.
80% Weak to Fire - Giant Innate Resistance to Fire = 40% Weak to Fire and 30% Weak to Fire at Level 70

Has these Shouts: 
Frost Giant Unrelenting Force Shout: Same as Giant Unrelenting Force Shout except causes Frost Damage.
Frost Giant Frost Breath Shout
Call Of The Ancients

Call Of The Ancients: Calls forth a Frost Giant Ancient.
Can only use when Health is equal to or below 50%.
Must be Level 70 to use this Shout.
Can only use outside.
Ancient will stay for an entire day.
Can only use once per day.

Frost Giant Ancient: 
Is Level 80 and Scales to your Level upwards.~
Has 2x the Health, Stamina, Health Regeneration, and Armor Rating of other Frost Giants
Is 100% Larger and Heavier
Walks and Attacks 80% Slower
Looks like a Frost Giant.
Immune to Frost, Paralysis, Lightning, Poison, and Disease.
70% Resistant to Magic
No Weakness to Fire

Has these Shouts: 

Frost Giant Ancient Unrelenting Force: 2x More Powerful than Frost Giant Unrelenting Force

Frost Giant Ancient Freezing Breath: 2x More Powerful than Frost Breath and freezes any, unless they are Immune to Frost, into a solid block of ice.

Frost Giant Ancient Storm Call: Calls a combined huge Lightning Storm and Blizzard, storm will affect everything even the Ancient, lightning bolts strike for double damage chain striking any near the lightning strike ignoring shock resistance and knocking victims away, all within the radius of the storm will be blasted by snow experiencing Frost Damage every second and can be slowed to 50% Movement Speed if their Frost Resistance isn't high enough, any near the center of the storm have a 25% chance of being staggered every second, and any in the center of the storm are frozen solid if their Health is below 20% unless they are Immune to Frost Damage.~ Can be used once a day.

Version 1 Shown with Level 103 Character using a Weapon that does 1,500 Damage and Helped by Followers with Paralyze Spells fighting Giants and Mammoths

Giant Clubs: 

Made from an uprooted tree with a boulder tied to the end, these enormous clubs can only be wielded by those with the strength of a Giant.

Not Playable - Does Not Appear In Inventory and Does Not Drop
Weigh 1000 Pounds (Giant Veterans: 1300, Giant Elders: 1500, Giant Ancients: 2000)
Does 100 Damage (Giant Veterans: 130, Giant Elders: 150, Giant Ancients: 200)
50% Critical Hit Chance
200 Extra Critical Damage (Giant Veterans: 260, Giant Elders: 300, Giant Ancients: 400)
Have a Reach of 1
Has a Speed of 0.5 (Giant Veterans: 0.35, Giant Elders: 0.25, Giant Ancients: 0.15)
Does 3 Stagger (Giant Veterans: 3.9, Giant Elders: 4.5, Giant Ancients: 6)
Use the Skill One-Handed
Are Weapon Type Mace
Are Made of Weapon Materials Wood and Stone

Power Attacks: 

Power Attacks for One Weapon = x2 Weapon Damage = 100 + 100 = 200 Damage Per Power Attack


Has 50% Chance to Cause a Critical Hit
Critical Damage = 50% of Base Weapon Damage = 50 Damage
Does 200 Extra Critical Damage Upon a Successful Critical Hit + 50 Damage = 250 Damage On Every Critical Hit 1/2 Hits

Skill Damage Multiplier:

If the Damage Skill Multiplier for One-Handed is the same as Two-Handed then it is 0.5x Per Skill Level
At Level 100 One-Handed = 1.5x Damage = 1.5 x 100 = 150 + 100 = 250 Damage
If Power Attacks and Criticals Stack with Skill Damage Multipliers then: 
Power Attacks = 500 Damage (This will leave you with 300 Health at Level 80 if you put all your Level Up Points into Health)
Criticals = 375 + 200 = 575 Damage On Every Critical Hit 1/2 Hits

Frost Giant Clubs: 

Made from an uprooted tree of The Forgotten Vale with a boulder tied to the end, these huge clubs are freezing to the touch and can only be wielded by those with the strength of a Giant.

Not Playable - Does Not Appear In Inventory and Does Not Drop
Weigh 1500 Pounds (Frost Giant Ancient: 2000)
Does 150 Damage (Frost Giant Ancient: 200)
Does 75 Frost Damage (Frost Giant Ancient: 100)
50% Critical Hit Chance
Does 300 Extra Critical Damage (Frost Giant Ancient: 400)
Have a Reach of 1
Has a Speed of 0.25 (Frost Giant Ancient: 0.1)
Does 4.5 Stagger (Frost Giant Ancient: 6)
Use the Skill One-Handed
Are Weapon Type Mace
Are Made of Weapon Materials Wood and Stone

Power Attacks: 

Power Attacks for One Weapon = x2 Weapon Damage = 150 + 150 = 300 Damage Per Power Attack


Has 50% Chance to Cause a Critical Hit
Critical Damage = 50% of Base Weapon Damage = 75 Damage
Does 300 Extra Critical Damage Upon a Successful Critical Hit + 75 Damage = 375 Damage On Every Critical Hit 1/2 Hits

Skill Damage Multiplier:

If the Damage Skill Multiplier for One-Handed is the same as Two-Handed then it is 0.5x Per Skill Level
At Level 100 One-Handed = 1.5x Damage = 1.5 x 150 = 225 + 150 = 375 Damage
If Power Attacks and Criticals Stack with Skill Damage Multipliers then: 
Power Attacks = 750 Damage (This will leave you with 50 Health at Level 80 if you put all your Level Up Points into Health)
Criticals = 562.5 + 300 = 862.5 Damage On Every Critical Hit 1/2 Hits

Giant Toes: 

Giant's Toes: 

Weigh 20 Pounds Each x 10 = 200 Pounds Per Giant
Worth 200 Septims Each x 10 = 2000 Septims Per Giant
Possible Effects: 
Fortify Magic Resistance: 20% for 5 Minutes
Damage Speed: 50% for 5 Minutes
Poison Causing Health Damage: 2 for 2 Minutes
Fortify Carry Weight: 100 for 2 Minutes

Frost Giant's Toes: 

Weigh 30 Pounds Each x 10 = 300 Pounds Per Frost Giant
Worth 300 Septims Each x 10 = 3000 Septims Per Frost Giant
Possible Effects: 
Weakness to Fire: 50% for 5 Minutes
Fortify Carry Weight: 150 for 2 Minutes
Fortify Frost Resistance: 50% for 5 Minutes
Poison Causing Stamina Damage: 2 for 2 Minutes

Giant Quests: 

Grok is now carrying some humorous items.


"Mammoths are a common sight in the tundra of Skyrim, and are often herded by the Giants that also call that region home. They are generally peaceful creatures, unless provoked." - Skyrim Loading Screen

All Mammoths: 
25% Increase in Height from Default
50% Increase in Weight and Mass from Default
100 Unarmed Damage
516 Unarmed Reach
500 Health and 1000 Stamina
7000 Carrying Capacity
0.02 Health Regeneration Outside of Combat
Hide counts as Heavy Armor that provides 200 Armor Rating.
0.10 Stamina Regeneration
Immune to Full Force Unrelenting Force and Paralysis
50% Resistant to Frost
20% Resistant to Magic, Poison, and Disease
Can Be Looted for 4 Mammoth Tusks Per Mammoth
Are Not Pushable
Can't Be Knocked Down
Can Swim
Naturally Unaggressive: Will usually only fight if provoked or Giants or other Mammoths are harmed, but will flee from battle if outmatched (Tamed Mammoths never flee from battle).
Wild Mammoths roam the Plains in groups and Tamed Mammoths are herded in smaller numbers by Giants.

Leveled Abilities: 

Mammoths will gain an additional 200 Health and Stamina every 20 Levels Up To Level 100 = 1000 Additional Health and Stamina
Mammoths will gain an additional 150 Damage Resistance every 20 Levels Up To Level 100 = 750 Additional Damage Resistance

At Level 38 Mammoths will have 844 Health and 1411 Stamina + Additional 200 Health and Stamina = 1044 Health and 1611 Stamina
At Level 38 Mammoths will have 200 Damage Resistance + Additional 150 Damage Resistance = 350 Damage Resistance

At Level 80 Mammoths will have 1234 Health and 1651 Stamina + Additional 800 Health and Stamina = 2034 Health and 2451 Stamina
At Level 80 Mammoths will have 200 Damage Resistance + Additional 600 Damage Resistance = 800 Damage Resistance

Resistances and Damage for all Mammoths will increase at Levels 50 and 70.~

Powerful: Mammoth attacks have a 50% chance to stagger and sweep hit all targets in front of them.
Piercing Tusks: Mammoths' tusks ignore 50% of Armor.~

Power Attacks: 

Power Attacks = x2 Damage = 400 Damage Per Power Attack

Lesser Powers: 

Ram: Mammoth hits their foe for 200 Damage and knocks them away.~
Can only use if Stamina is above 50%.

Charge: 2x Mammoths' Speed and Attack Damage for 1 Minute.~
Can only use if Health is equal to or below 50% and Stamina is 100%.
Drains Stamina by 10 for 2 Minutes = 1,200 Stamina Cost

Types of Mammoths:

Tamed Mammoths have carvings in their tusks and Wild Mammoths do not.~

Appears when you are Level 1, are Level 38, and will Scale upwards to your Level.~

Huge Mammoth: 
Appears when you are Level 50, are Level 50, and will Scale upwards to your Level.~
Are 30% Larger and Heavier
30% More Attack Damage
Moves 30% Slower
70% Resistant to Frost
35% Resistant to Poison and Disease
20% Resistant to Fire

Colossal Mammoth: 
Appears when you are Level 70, are Level 70, and will Scale upwards to your Level.~
Are 50% Larger and Heavier
50% More Attack Damage
Moves 50% Slower
Immune to Frost
50% Resistant to Poison and Disease
35% Resistant to Magic
30% Resistant to Fire
Has Call Of The Ancients

Call Of The Ancients: Calls forth a Ancient Mammoth.
Can only use when Health is below 50%.
Can only use outside.
Ancient will stay for an entire day.
Can only use once per day.

Ancient Mammoth: 
Is Level 80 and Scales to your Level upwards.~
Has 2x the Health, Stamina, and Armor Rating of other Mammoths
Is 100% Larger and Heavier
100% Attack Damage
Moves 70% Slower
Looks like a Mammoth.
Immune to Frost, Poison, and Disease
50% Resistant to Magic and Fire
Ancient Ram: 2x More Powerful than Ram.
Stampede: Boosts all Mammoths' Speed, Armor Rating, and Damage by 100% for 2 Minutes within a huge radius.
Can only use if Health is equal to or below 50% and Stamina is 100%.
Drains Stamina by 10 for 4 Minutes = 2,400 Stamina Cost

Mammoth Food: 

Mammoth Snout: Weighs 50 Pounds, Can restore 2 Health for 1 Minute and Damage 2 Stamina for 2 Minutes, Worth 100 Septims.~
Mammoth Steak: Weighs 20 Pounds, Can restore 5 Health and Fortify Stamina by 50 for 1 Minute, Worth 200 Septims.~

Mammoth Cheese Bowel: Weighs 10 Pounds, Can restore 10 Health and Stamina for 3 Minutes, Worth 500 Septims.~

Mammoth Tusks: 

Mammoth Tusk: 100 Pounds, Worth 2,000 Septims x 4 = 400 Pounds, 8,000 Septims Per Mammoth.~
Mammoth Tusk Note: These are the end tips of Mammoths' Tusks, a whole Mammoth's Tusk would be extremely heavy.~

Powdered Mammoth Tusk: 
Weighs 50 Pounds and Worth 1,000 Septims
Possible Effects: 
Fortify Stamina Regeneration Rate by 25% for 2 Minutes
Fortify Sneak by 15 for 2 Minutes
25% Weakness to Fire for 4 Minutes
Fear by 2 for 4 Minutes

Mammoth Quests: 

Guardian Mammoth Spirit is now an Ancient Mammoth Guardian Spirit.

Requirements: Skyrim Version 1.9+ and Dawnguard = Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and Dawnguard.esm

Installation: Extract Epic Giants.esp to MyComputer/ProgramFilesx86/TheElderScrollsVSkyrim/Data or your Default Installation Folder/Data, activate Epic Giants.esp using your Mod Manager, and launch your game.~