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About this mod
This Mod adds the popular world of J.R.R Tolkien Middle-Earth from Lord of the Rings to your skyrim game with many locations to explore.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Dawnguard Hearthfire Dragonborn Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Female NPCs heads patches only if you want or use this mod The Elder Scrolls V MIDDLE-EARTH Redone BugFix The Elder Scrolls V MIDDLE-EARTH Redone DEU - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Credits to:
J.R.R. Tolkien, Author of "The Lord of the Rings"
Nikinooddles for Cloaks of Skyrim
mandarinn for the Uruk Hai Armor
enpremi for Galadhrim Armor
istoleyourface for Orcrist
protese for Hunter Archer Armor
Vicn for Balrog Modell
naru1305 for Herugrim
Quechus09 & Kernnunnos for Gandalfs Staff
Doc117 for Fellowship of the Ring
BGSMERP for Gondorian Armor
maty743 for Bosmer Armor Pack
jacknifelee for Velvet Robes
Tupii for Leather Backpack
newermind43 for Ent Modell
Tamb0 for the support with my LOD-Problems
ianjoseph1986 for Farm Animals
markusliberty for Cyrodiil Farmhouse Tileset
nivea for the support with the mumakil
Tamira for Stroti's Hobbit Home Resource 1.1
Tamira for Mr Siika Castle Seaview Kit
Tamira for Phitt's Sheogorad Resource - Part One & Two
Tamira for Strotis Old Mill Resource
Artisanix for Paintings and Frames
The Care Taker for Steveowashere's Fence Emporium
elinen for Hoddminir Plants and Trees
SpikeDragonLord for Beasts of Tamriel (Eagle model)
Ga-Knomboe Boy for GKB Green Trees
elinen for HoddminirGroundTextures
If i forgot somebody, i deeply apologize. PM me and i will edit the credits immediatly.Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points

Misty Mountains
Paths of the Dead
Anduin Valley
Latest version of Skyrim x all DLCs
Please read the FAQ, i won´t answer a comment if the question is already answered in the description.
Once the mod is installed correctly, you can find two new spells at Farengar in Whiterun or you can travel to the west of Skyrim to a new location: The Lord of the Rings world choice
Use the doors you can directly enter the individual worlds. Of course, neighboring areas are also interconnected.
1. How do i enter Middle-Earth?
- Farengar in whiterun has two new spells for you. These speels teach you how to teleport into Middle-earth and back to skyrim. Alternatively there is a door placed i the west of Skyrim. Fast-travel to it and enter it.
2. How do i start the battle of Helms Deep?
- Look behind the long wall. There are 3 glowing teleport stones on a platform. They will bring you into the different phases of the battle.
3. How do craft new things/spells?
- Look at Elronds library, there is a desk where you can craft new things, but you need different resources or books about the new spells and items, so go and search them.
4. Will you update the mod and include more worldspaces?
- I have plenty of ideas for new locations, but i decided to stop working on
this mod. There are several reasons behind this decision.
I spent years on this mod and it was a really great time. But i´m not done modding. I bought a brand-new computer for modding the game Ark-Survival Evolved.
5. Are there any quests?
- Nope. ...Well i really wanted to include quests. At some places i prepared scenarios for different quests. But over the years i lost the interest in creating quests. Don´t get me wrong, i followed a first tutorial and made one mini-quest. But that felt so time consuming, even without the voice-lines....
I came to the conclusion, that my modding skills and interest are far more in level-design.
*But that doesn´t mean that there will never be quests. Look down N.6
6. Can i make a quest mod for this?
-So, if there is anybody who wants to create a sub-mod with quests - go ahead, ask me for permission/advice and continue my work. (There are multiple requests from sub-modders. By contacting me, i can deal with your requests and help preventing them from conflicting.
7. Is there a SSE Version?
-Since i don´t play SSE i don´t mod for this Version. Some people converted my mod here on Nexus, but i don´t know anything about these versions, so you need to find/contact them on your own.
8. My game crashes when going to place (...)
- I always try to prevent possible conflicts with game files and other mods. That doesn´t always works and sometimes the game itself comes to its limits. Bree is a sad example. When i created all the small details for big city, my game crashed immediately because there were to much objects, idle-markers, wandering paths and NPCs. So you see even the hardware can give up.
My best advice if nothing works: try plaing the game only with the middle-earth mod. If it runs, it´s just a conflict with another mod.
9. Why are there 2 .esp files?
-Because of some nasty problems with the first .esp i started again with a clean new .esp to avoid new errors. When installing the mod, make sure Middle-Earth-II is checked after the first in the load-order.
Feel free to add videos and pictures.
I hope you enjoy the journey through middle-earth and have fun you all.
Information: This is of course a non-profit-project, created by a fan. I don´t accept any money or donation from it.