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About this mod

No more divine retribution for preemptive strikes, accidents, taking spoils of war, or anything else for that matter.

Permissions and credits
Do you play Requiem?

  • Do you often find yourself accidentally murdering people,and then being forsaken by the gods? 
  • Do you believe that the Jarls of Skyrim, and the not-even-a-dragonborn-anymore-how-did-he-even-get-the-job Emperor of Tamriel do not, in fact, have the divine right of kings, and that their concept of justice is different from that of the divines?
  • Are you frustrated that killing that lowlife lizard skooma dealer (who outright tells you that he's about to kill you) a few seconds before he raises his iron gauntlets to fight is a murder, which instantly negates all your blessings now and forever?
  • Are you tired of being punished by Talos for driving those damn faithless Imperials from his homeland, just because you haven't dotted your I's and crossed your T's on your handwritten pledge of allegiance to Ulfric yet? I mean, what does Ulfric have to do with the divines anyway?
  • Perhaps you've been ridding the land of those heretical, treasonous Stormcloaks, enacting vigilante justice out of the goodness of your heart, but the gods insist that you join the ranks of the Legion even if that totally isn't your style?
  • Have you ever killed a few bandits, cowards who took little effort, and then adopted their hackneyed old mare out of the goodness of your heart, only to find that for some reason this was considered stealing in the eyes of the gods, while their armor, weapons, and other possessions were legitimate booty?
  • Are you frustrated at having to trek back across Skryim to settle debts because you stepped on someone’s chicken without noticing and got a 1 gold bounty in the middle of nowhere, which is now preventing you from taking your daily blessing?
  • Ever executed someone for the greater good, performing a service to the community, only to have the gods not see it that way despite the person you offed being a really bad hombre?
  • What about that Drelas guy, who attacks you on sight but somehow retains a divine right to all his possessions even after you've beaten him in unfair combat?
  • Maybe you’re only joining the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood so you can betray them later?
  • Do you wish the gods shared your understanding that possession is dynamic concept and some items must pass through many hands before finding a set that feels right to them?
  • Do you sometimes just not want to FREAKING worry about suffering permanent repercussions from Skyrim's finicky-as-hell crime system?
Well then the mod for you is Blessings Ignore Crime, by peter1962.
y tho:
I have always ABSOLUTELY HATED restrictions on blessings,since they're one of the few customization axes in Skyrim that aren't dependent on gear. Having to tiptoe around the incredibly silly Skyrim crime system, reloading a save every time I mess up, has never been my cup of tea. I've used Blessings Ignore Crime since I first accidentally "murdered" an Argonian skooma dealer who I know for an actual fact was about to try to kill me, and then realized two hours later that this was the act that had removed my blessing of Kynareth, on a character designed around having the stamina boost from the gildergreen quest.  And it has been satisfactory.

But to my disappointment it doesn't work with BtC, since it has to override Requiem's blessings with its own.  Since BtC is also doing that, only one version gets through to the player.

Well, no more.  I copied every BtC blessing, and painstakingly went through each one, removing all crime and guild-related conditions from every single level of each one.  And it was a pain. (Seriously, go try this yourself. You will not believe how many GetCrimeGold conditions there are to remove.)


  • REMOVES all crime-related conditions from all of the BtC blessings. Execute preemptive strikes on shady lizardfolk to your heart's content.
  • REMOVES all guild-related conditions from all of the BtC blessings. Being in the service of a Daedra or a whatever-Sithis-is-supposed-to-be (hint: it doesn’t matter because the Night Mother is actually just Mephala trolling emos) does not constitute being under their blessing. Unlike, you know, like the Nocturnal blessing that actually exists.
  • KEEPS all Daedric-influence-related conditions for all of the BtC blessings. This is for balance, build definition, and because having a Daedric artifact is analogous to being under that Daedra's blessing.  Being a werewolf or a vampire of course precludes you from blessings, since one of the points of BtC is to provide alternatives to lycanthropy, which is just a free boost in vanilla and still much better than all the blessings in Requiem.
  • KEEPS all individual blessing conditions for all of the BtC blessings, except where these were more-stringent crime conditions (e.g. Stendarr will still stop blessing you if you take Conjuration perks, etc.)
  • KEEPS all BtC blessing effects, blessing levels, robe synergies and what-have-you.
  • DOES NOT CHANGE the requirements for the holiness branch of BtC's Restoration skill tree, so if you ever do want to play a complete goody-two-shoes you still have a reason to.
  • RESTORES the lifedrain protection to Stendarr’s blessing, because that was actually really significant and it bugged me that BtC removed it.
Requiem and Behind the Curtain.
Load Order:
Load this after Behind the Curtain, and anything else that changes blessings. Otherwise this mod won't do anything and you and I will both be sad.
It is entirely possible that I misclicked in the process of removing one of BtC’s thousands upon thousands of GetCrimeGold conditions in TES5Edit, and there may thus be one aspect of one level of one blessing somewhere that still cares about crime, and/or lacks some other condition because I deleted that instead of the thing it was next to. Please report any such errors, and I will love you and put you in the credits, which it is now time for.
  • Bethesda, The One, who made the Skyrims and everything in them.
  • Michael Kirkbride, brightest of stars, who crossed the sea to bring us dank lore.
  • Xarrian, once and future King of Gondor, for the Requiems.
  • Ogerboss, faithful Steward of Gondor, for additional Requiems.
  • Zer0morph, King of Rohan, for his support of Gondor in its hour of need.
  • Schofida, Elf-friend and servant of the secret fire, for making dank patches, one of which I just partially undid.
  • /r/skyrimrequiem, the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in all the Shire.
  • wizards