About this mod
A nordic themed player home near Windhelm, simple yet cozy for a Nord warrior.
- Permissions and credits
I always loved the viking/norse culture, and Skyrim is perfect for things like that. So this is my attempt to reconstruct a historical viking longhouse, based on information and pictures I found about the lifestyle and the houses of the norse people, and tried to combine that with Skyrim‘s gameplay.
In this longhouse you‘ll find:
- benches with sit and sleep markers and drawers underneath
- cooking spit, tanning rack, workbench, alchemy lab
- not usable spinning wheel and weaving loom (the latter is usable as a tanning rack)
- bookshelves
- shrine of Talos
- weapon racks
- custom storage
- wood chopping block outdoors
The following other versions are available:
> SSE version (ported by mathy79)
> french translation for both Oldrim and SSE (translated by Foonss).
> XBox1 version (ported by ReconRooster)
> modified PS4 version (by LittleDovahElf)
Oaristys – Modder's Resource Pack, Modder's Resource Pack – The Witcher Extension
Elianora – Elianora's Extra Resources
lolikyonyu – Lolicept Resources
Blary – BookSets Resource, Open Books Resource, Alchemy Clutter Resource
Jokerine – Jokerine's Misc Resources
Insanity – Insanity's Folded Blankets, Insanity's Clutter Stuffs, Static Armour Stands
lilith - Lilith's Baskets
Stroti and Tamira – Stroti Resource Pack, Stroti Resource Pack II, Strotis Spinning Wheel Resource
Flintone - Wicker Set, Orient Set
tueffelachtein - Modular Crafting Table
Mods used in screenshots: Noble Skyrim, Peltapalooza,Rugnarok, Rustic Clutter, Realistic Food HD, EnhancedLights and FX (which makes the lighting look like in the pictures; vanilla lights may be too bright and cold whereas some ENBs appear very dark...)