Well, I just had a good laugh!! I pretty much have to endorse this mod, as the image used to create the galaxy was made from a 3 channel color composite as taken by the ESA Herschel Satellite created...by me. It's actually a combination of many deep field high frequency images. Nice to see it used in such a creative context. Thumbs up!
Wow, with all the endorsements, it's hard to believe that no one has posted in the thread designed for it. Really adds to the realism for me, since in a world of this technological era, the sky would be lit up in a way which is difficult to understand for people who've never been to the edge of nowhere, which I have. You might even think to check out some time-lapse photography of the night sky in remote locations, and see how you can manipulate it for a possible update or alternate sky. You've done fine work, and my endorsement has been added. I'm not easily impressed, but this really rung the bell. Well done, and I look forward to more from you in the future. Thanks again for the mod.
Enhanced Night Skyrim - Endorsements (3 comments)