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About this mod

Ebony weapon retexture for Amidianborn Book of Silence users.

Permissions and credits
CaBaL120's ebony armor is the definitive pinnacle of retextures. So much so that next to them, the default weapons look uglier than a hagraven's backside. This mod darkens and recolors the ebony weapons with the explicit goal of matching the Book of Silence ebony armor. Now pay close attention because this is VERY important!:
I do not have permission to include CaBaL120's cubemap in the download, but it is absolutely necessary for the mod to work. So, go to your Data folder and find

If you previously downloaded Book of Silence it should be there already.

Make a copy of Chitin_e_ebony.dds in the same folder (i.e. cubemaps), and change the name of the copy to Chitin_e.dds
That's it, you're done. DO NOT skip this process or your weapons will look all wrong.