About this mod
It adds moslty ruins around Skyrim, it adds events and some surprises with some also citations to movies and tv series without breaking the lore of the game
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
for Skyrim Se (actually hotfiles of the week)
requested from some users

Also remember to endorse and vote
This video show only few locations there are almost 100 around Skyrim
Main question is why?, well i've been working on this mod for a long time, first only for a personal use, inspired by the mod "The people of Skyrim" that unfortunatly had a lot of issues but was adding a lot of nice things to the game.
Day by day i've been adding so much things that i've decided to released also for other users to thank you all for the support in the last period
so here it is!
This is not a final version, this means in the future (not near), this mod will have possible updates, fell free also to contact me and suggest me new ideas.
What this mod Does:
Simply, this mod will add mostly ruins and buildings,graveyards here and there,
some ruins have some events other will have some rewards good or bad,
some other ruins are more visual and recall some epic movies or tv series (Alien, Games of Thrones, Dragonheart, Legion ,Lotr... and more) without breaking the lore of the game, there are more than 100locations to check out.
All this to impruve the exploration of the game
The mod use only Vanilla assets of the game, this means that possibly you will fell part of this ruins have been always in the game
and reduce the possibility of incompability with other mods,
i 've been a lot carefull to place all ruins in places that are not touch by story events or for example civil war
The more noticable changes are for example in Whiterun,
i always thought Whiterun was looking like a small village more of the central town
in Skyrim where everyone will pass so
i've tried to rebuild part of the old walls before the earthquake (exteriors) to give to Whiterun a more wide and big presence
I will suggest also a list of mods that obviously work perfectly together with my work and deep the immersion of the game
Most of the ruins are in their ideal location, so for example you will see ruins of the north elfs in the north of Skyrim (Windhelm/Solitude)
Dwemer ruins in the markarth area, some temples ruins here and there in the plan of Whiterun
There are a lot of small locations to be find and small details on the mountains (like skull carved in the rock)
Like i mention before find the CIT to movies and series
for example the Talosnauts (Lotr fans are familiar with this),
two big statues of Talos that protect the entrance of a river
I would love to give you more but i hope you will enjoy more go around and find the places
see pics for more details (video is coming)
A small Post Scriptum, during the work of this mod my granny passed out, i couldn 't say her good bye cause i live 3000km far from her and this broke my heart so much, i've created a small memory for her in a beautiful place near Riverwood, if you find this place please leave a flower.

Very easy - it's a simple esp, add the mod with your manager or manually dropping the esp in your data folder
use manager or delete the ruins.esp
For what i know it's compatible with everything eccept with mods that add location or buildings in the same place of my work, this will not take to crash to desktop, but will put buildings inside trees or viceversa, ( i don't think i choose so much locations and sorry but i don't use houses for the player so i don't know of any of this problem, eventually let me know)
Knowing issues could be Navmeshes, i've been working most of them and should not be a problem, but please report me any issue
It's compatible also with ETAC, hopefully when we will have a convertion
Only problem i've found out is a compability with the mod "the great forest of Whiterun", this mod need a patch otherwise it would be easy to see trees inside ruins and buildings
(i will not provide the patch, (there's a page that have all patches for that mod i hope mine will be included in the future)
For Skyrim Legendary Users
it's possible that this mod will have problem with a large amount of other mods that change Whiterun area, feel free to report me with some screens also, if it would be possible i would change most of it in the next update
Mods Suggestions:
(some of this mods are hidden but can easly be found somewhere else)
Simply bigger trees Link
dark fantasy foest (goes great with SBT) ( do a convertion of the Oldrim)
Ancient cities ( if you are lucky you still have a copy of this mod or follow its author he does great job) link
Skyrim bridges (add amazing and unique bridges)
Unique borders gates ( this is a must have) link
BBluxurySuite link
Stonhenge è hilltops (great mods that goes perfectly with my work) link
the swamp ( i didn't touch much Morthal this is the reason) link
Flower Fields (link is for Oldrim you can do convertion to Sse) link
I have to mention also this mods
Obis Se link
populated lands and roads link
Travelers and adventure link
Draug patrols link
USE SSELODGEN for a better view of the LoD
Not to mention all my creation on the links down For Skyrim Se
A very special thank to UNDRIEL and FROZTEE that actually tested this mod
PREVIOUS WORK and porting:
For Skyrim Se
Mods in the HOT FILES WEEk
Northern Realistic Clouds
Visual Animated Enchants
Armory of The Favored Soul
Dark Nemesis Ebony and Elven Eternal Shine Sse - Standalone
Lightning During Storms Sse
Visual Master Spells
YY - Animation Replacer -Mystic Knight
BillyRo Ultimate Swords Anthology
Sin Xtreme Realism Enb
GoldenChromatic ENB
Other mods
Elemental Dragons Special Edition
Elven Alternative Armors and Weapons
Simply The Sun for Sse
Simply The NightSky for Sse
Simply the Moons for Sse
Conjure the five element
DarkLight ENB
Realistika Enb
For Fallout 4
DoomDays ENB
Apocalisse Enb