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About this mod

This Mod adds grass to empty places in Whiterun

Permissions and credits
Grass Overhaul based on Hoddminirs ressource esp
over 20.000 grass meshes handplaced by me for a beautiful fresh spring whiterun. I removed with purpose tundragrassobj because they are ugly und would break the look of  grass lines. It won't cover all Areas i didn't do Dragonsreach and Fighters Guild Area. Some places have 70-90 angle which makes placing impossible.

Performance: High Fps loss not recommended with jks Whiterun.

Grass may look different depends on Enbs

Grass Textur is 512 ill provide a darker colour soon

Mod don't Need dlcs

feel free to use it for your own mod and stuff

 I recommend using this mod with green ground Textures for ulitmate green world !


Hoddminir for his ressource
Pfuscher for the Texture