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About this mod

This patch intend to fix, enhance and update The original notice board by MannyGT

Permissions and credits
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The Notice Board by MannyGT UPDATED

Waow !!! Thank you all !!
It is my first mod which reaches the Hot Files !!

The Notice Board by MannyGT adds new and alternative radiant (and side) quests. It was inspired from other good games like The Witcher which make use of notice boards in their gameplay.

Originally, the purpose of this patch is to fix some little issues could occur with "The Notice Board by MannyGT" :
Rescue missions take a random npc (Named or Quest giver) and turn them permanently to a generic npc.
Escaped criminal prevent dungeon to reset.

Since Skyrim SE is out, MannyGT don't support Notice board for Oldrim anymore, so the new purpose of this mod is to maintain old version up-to-date, forward SE version's enhancements and try to make this great mod even better ! (like merging Notice Board - Dragonborn DLC - Better Solstheim Quests  by  AndrealphusVIII instead of original dragonborn patch)

I hope it will helps you to enjoy this great mod.

Difference with the Orginal Notice Board

This version includes Notice Board - Dragonborn DLC - Better Solstheim Quests  by  AndrealphusVIII instead of original dragonborn patch to enhance your experience in Solstheim.
Rescue missions are fixed, no dumb NPCs anymore
Escaped criminal was removed (still visible in MCM with no effect).
Last USLEEP Update are forwarded.
Notes are unsellable
Some places are excluded (same as Notice board SE version) to avoid sealed-by-quest location.

Installation instruction

  • Obviously, you need to install The Notice Board by MannyGT
  • Replace main esp by the one provided here.
  • Remove Dragonborn patch (if you want to preserve your load order, you can use a dummy esp from my guide, download section)
  • That's all

It is mid play compatible but you must drop letters which already pinned on the board or in your inventory, this mod can't fix NPCs or locations
already messed up.

About Compatibility patches :

Every compatibility patches already released should work.

High Resolution Patch by fadignsignal
The Notice Board for Legendary Cities patch by filloax
Falskaar patch by AndrealphusVIII
Beyond Reach Patch by AndrealphusVIII
Wyrmstooth Patch by AndrealphusVIII (Warning: The Notice Board and Wyrmstooth's Notice Board apparently use the same quest ID number for the book collecting quest, you must finish the one from skyrim before start the one from Wyrmstooth (Or vice versa).
Agent of Righteous Might Patch by AndrealphusVIII

My knowledge of scripting and MCM are a little bit limited for the moment, but i'm still learning, so i will certainly fix or add stuff over time. My priority is to fix bug which can harm your save (like Rescue mission).

Let me know if you have problem.

Thanks to MannyGT for his great mods
Thanks to AndrealphusVIII for his Notice Board - Dragonborn DLC - Better Solstheim Quests
Thanks to TheFirstEnD

My releases
Skyrim SSE:
Guide - How to repair your skyrim after update - Unbreak your prefered skse mods
Skyrim Save System Overhaul
Auto Unequip Shield to Back Custom follower compatibility patches
Keep It Clean - A Bathing Mod (based on clioshand work)
M'rissi's Tails of Troubles SE - Delayed Start
Compatibility patch for Brotherhood of Old and Skyrim sewer
Invisibility Glitch - Eyes Fix SE with Support patches
The Eloquent Reader - True Scholar SE Edition
Better lighting for Face Light SSE
It is mine - Claim your property (Change bed or crafting station ownership)
Camping and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update

Skyrim LE :
Stability Performance Optimization ENB Configuration - a Comprehensive Guide
The Notice Board by MannyGT UPDATED
Auto Unequip Shield to Back Custom followers compatibility patches
Glass fix for Wearable lanterns SMIM patch (optional HDTPE support)
It is mine - Claim your property (Change ownership)
Patches central for Invisibility Glitch - Eyes Fix and Invisibility Eye Glitch Multifix
Technicolor Alchemy Overhaul - Support for Wiseman303's Flora Fixes and CACO
Higher Difficulty - Adjusted Encounter Zone and Leveled NPCs
The Sober Soldier's Supply - Lore-friendly Wine and Mead Smelting CACOIFIED
Better lighting for Face Light and Facelight Plus
Simple bathing (in collaboration with clioshand)
Moonlight Tales Essential - Unable to equip chest armor bug fixer