
Mod articles

  • Xanthys's Relationship System

    Xanthys Relationship System

    His System isn't as complex as Inigos, Vilja, or Sofias, his is more rooted into gameplay and crafting new spells, remembering events that took place in history he took part in and even gives access to have more casual conversations. The things I described he can do like cast fire cloak on you is a thing, its just he needs time to gather his thoughts after being in limbo for so long, before you know it you will see yourself being cast on fire, or being able to walk on water in no time as well to teleportation an other handy features that will assist you in your adventure through Skyrim such as him turning into a mountable creature and enchanting weapons for you as well

    Romancing Xanthys is a thing but you have to spend enough time w...